Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Stonehenge :: essays research papers
Stonehenge On the British Isles more than nine hundred mark rings exist. Most masses preferto call them rings rather than circles for the reason that only two percent of them are truecircles. The some other ninety eight percent of these structures are constructed in an ellipticalshape. Stonehenge in itself is roughly circular. Most of these rings cannot be datedexactly, but it is know that they are from the Neolithic period. In southern England the Neolithic period begins or so the time of the firstfarming communities in 4000 B.C. to the time of the development of bronze technologyaround 2000 B.C., by that time the construction of major monuments was by and large over. Because of the scarcity of the archaeological record at the oppose rings, any attempts to formulate the functions of the structures are guesses. Most attempts tend to reflect thecultural relatedness of their times. Most people believe that these rings were construc tedby a group of people called Druids. This appraisal of Stonehenge being constructed by Druids has become deeply implantedin the ignorant minds of popular culture from tie seventeenth century to the present. Itis common noesis that the druids had nothing to do with these rings. The Druidsflourished after about 300 B.C., more than 1500 historic period after the last stone rings wereconstructed. Even more, there is no evidence that suggests that the Druids even applythese stone rings for ritual purposes. every Druidic connection with the stone rings ispurely hypothetical. During the nineteenth and early 20th century, prehistorians attributedStonehenge and other stone rings to Egyptian and Mycenean travelers who were thoughtto have infused atomic number 63 and Bronze age culture. With the development of carbon 14dating methods, the infusion-diffusion of British Neolithic history was abandoned and themegalithic monuments of Britain w ere shown to predate those in virtually other countries. While the carbon 14 method provided approximate dates for the stone rings it was no useexplaining their function. Research by scholars outside the illuminate of archaeology suggested a use different to that of rituals. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Oxford University organize Alexander Thom and theastronomer Gerald Hawkins pioneered the new field of archaeoastronomy-the study of theastronomies of ancient civilizations. Conducting finespun surveys at various stone rings andother megalithic structures, Thom and Hawkins find many significant astronomicalalignments among the stones. This evidence suggested that the stone rings were used asastronomical observatories. Moreover, the archaeoastronomers revealed the extraordinarymathematical sophistication and engineering abilities that the congenital British developedbefore either Egyptian or Mesopotamian cultures.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Letter and memo
Dr. Leopold Bilgewaters, Vice-PresidentFrivolous AffairsHighline community of interests CollegeAddress Line 1 of Highline residential district College hereAddress Line 2 of Highline Community College hereSirI am penning to you with a suggestion and is hoping for a nice feedback.I am currently enrolled in a contour, Writ 143, the frame pee of which is Introduction to Technical create verbally. Indeed, the lessons that we are taught here are essential to my employment and are a must in the career path I want to take. In fact, it is of regular use and the principles we receive from the classes are actually much in overlap with application of the same. The need to apply such(prenominal)(prenominal) writing principles is direct that a lack of information on such would be of great effect to a professional.I see the give tongue to course as a truly important course that should be interpreted by every student who graduates and passes on the hands of Highline Community College. The candid matter of skillful writing is a tool that enhances the skills that sensation gathers in the express institutions. It is a tool that can be apply from the very moment of job application to everyday tasks that would be do in the workplace. It is utilise in conversation in the workplace where very professional should be understood in a clear dash so as to avoid misunderstandings.In our college, the opportunity of being accomplished under the great minds and hands of those who are experts in the field of technical writing is blocked by a prerequisite it has, which is pen hundred and one or Principles of physical composition. When one steps in a college such as ours, it is understood that one has the necessary skills in writing, which is covered in Principles of Writing.This course is intended as a refresher course and should not be made mandatory to everyone before taking the subject of Technical Writing. unconnected Writing 101, which has been given attention in l ower levels of academic inquiry, Writing 143 is not included in the curriculums of previous school levels and would be a must in our college without either barriers to such. It would be best to simply serve a test that would determine who would have to go through Writing 101 before Writing 143 and those who would not have to take such.Sincerely,Complete digit hereTo Name of manager here, ManagerFrom Full name here, Lead Insurance Specialist field of operation Request for ReimbursementDate enchant indicate name hereThis has reference to the course which I am taking now at Highline Community College, which is Writing 143. The sweep through course name of which is Introduction to Technical Writing. I would like to earnestly request for a reimbursement for the money well spent for the enrollment of this course.The crossThe said course is completed online that provides me the take chances to gain knowledge and pertinent skills while being able to perform the necessary tasks in o ur company. It has given me the chance to shoot two birds with one stone and has even served as a tool that I can use for everyday conversation inside the workplace.The course instills in the students the necessary communication skills that should be used for conveying messages that contain technical information inside the workplace in some(prenominal) vertical and horizontal lines. Likewise, the students are taught how to become aware of the supererogatory needs of the different auditory modality groups. This would help in properly identifying the requirements of writing correspondence that can be easily understood by the audience to who it is intended for. The layout of such correspondence would also have to be considered by the students and the stringent requirements for such are taken into account.A holistic get is placed on instructing the students to gain proficiency in technical writing. brilliance to Everyday WorkIn my current position as a Lead Insurance Specialist, th e task involving technical writing could not be avoided. I have to deal with writing letters, electronic mails, and memorandums that has placed me in a position that requires much knowledge in technical writing. The subject matter could not be acquired in previous academic levels. Fortunately, the chance was given to me to take the necessary classes and be given the chance to acquire the skills to create proper written communication.The knowledge of creating a good communication with the aide of the said course, Writing 143 or Intro to Technical Writing is indispensible to this kind of work as we all know that communication amidst the employees and with the clients is essential. More likely than not, unclear lines of communication leads to negative effects on the businesses and does not create a good picture for those who are concerned. On the other hand, when communication is clearly written, it would create an atmosphere of professionalism and would give both the audience and the writer the chance to clearly understand and be understood. fervent RequestIt is with much hope that I would like to request for a reimbursement of the amount spent amounting to please place amount here. This is the cost of enrolling in the said class please add some more particulars for the cost as necessary. cheer be assured that the knowledge I gain in this class will be used for the betterment of our organization.If, in any case, the full amount can not be shouldered by the organization, I will accept any amount that would keep both of us in an advantageous position. I would be very thankful of any amount that will be forwarded to me for this course that I am taking.Please advise me on the next steps that will be taken and I would appreciate any information and feedback that you will provide me regar link up essay Co Curricular Activities Letter
Monday, January 28, 2019
Grass Fed Beef vs. Grain Fed Beef
Matthew Buckman Carla Baku English 1A 1045 folk 23, 2012 squawk Grass Fed Beef vs. caryopsis Fed Beef Before World War Two (WW2), ranchers raised eatage f be cow and that was the norm. But because of the high demand for flush after WW2 ranchers had to diverseness the dash they raised oxen. Ever since WW2, awe nurture been raised on atom which has accommodate the norm when it comes to raising cows. That means they argon ply mainly lemon instead of forage. With the cows cosmos provideeral official corn they get enlargeter quicker so that means that they argon at the exercising weight to get slaughtered quicker.That was until recently when citizenry started questioning corn cater squall and the health risks and how gracious it was for the cows. Every year in that location are millions of cows slaughtered in the U. S for humans to consume. Most of the cows that are slaughtered are grain supply cows. Although some wad argue that grain supply screak isnt worse than stack fed kicking in fact we should start take much browse fed beef because it is more humane for the cows, snap off for the milieu and it is healthier than grain fed beef for the consumer and the cows.We should start have more crapper fed beef because it is more humane for the cows. The first way that it is more humane for the cows is that they arent cooped up in a feed great deal. This means that the cows arent kept in a confined space with reversal cows. They are more freely satisfactory to walk around on pastures and have the choice to eat whenever they want instead of having specific eating times. This allows the cows to live as they were meant to instead of the way grain fed cows are just raised for a quicker slaughter.Also with feed lots be such a confined space it collects a lot of scatter instead which causes a lot of port and urine pollution because the wind blows it up and when it rains it seeps into the groundwater. With deal fed cows unive rse able to roam around on pastures they naturally spread their manure around the pasture which fertilizes the land. Another way that grass fed beef is more humane than grain fed beef is that grass fed beef arent given antibiotics and hormones like grain fed beef. Grain fed beef affects ntibiotics regularly because of the conditions that they live in. With being cooped up in a feed lot the cows have a lot of health risks such as dust pneumonia and E Coli because of air pollution and water pollution. With grass fed cows being able to roam free on pastures there isnt as oftentimes air and water pollution so there is no need for antibiotics. The last way that grass fed beef is more humane than grain fed beef is that the cows get to live lengthy lives to get to their slaughter weight.With cows being raised on grass, it takes them approximately twenty-two months to get to their slaughter weight. Thats almost two plenteous years for a cow to live. With cows being raised on grain they unless get to live for 6teen months. Thats a full six months less(prenominal) then grass fed cows. I know that if I was a cow, I would want an extra six months to live. Another reason we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is split up for the environment. With grain fed beef, the cows manure is scooped up from their cell block and taken to the closet place to the feed lot to be dumped.This ruins the surrounding land because with too much manure being dumped in one place it gives the ground too many nutrients. With there being too many nutrients in the ground, the excess nutrients pollute the deformity and water. With grass fed cows being raised in pastures they attain and spread fertilizer naturally. This means that less chemicals and pesticides have to be employ to fertilize the pastures. With pesticides not having to be used to, that means that less pesticides have the chance to get spread through the air and pollute are water ways and contaminate our imbibi ng water.If pesticides get in our drinking water, it increases the chance of the person drinking the water to have reproductive disorders, and it cease lead to neurological damage such as Parkinsons or Alzheimers disease. If farmers continually use pesticides to fertilize their land it reduces the soil fertility. either of these involvements are unfavorable for our environment and with all of the things that are already bad for the environment, why would we add more to it when cows do the same thing naturally? Another way that grass fed beef is better for the environment is grass fed cows use less fogy fuels.Grain fed beef requires more fossil fuel to make the fare of the grain fed cows such as dried corn and soy. With all the required burning of these fossil fuels more carbon dioxide is being released into the air which is contributing to global warming. With fossil fuels burning being forthwith related to global warming, I think that by using less fossil fuel burning with gr ass fed beef that grass fed beef is better for the environment. The last reason we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is healthier for the consumers and the cows.When eating grain fed beef, you are taking in high aims of bad fats and cholesterin and low levels of good fats and Vitamin E. Grass fed beef is the complete opposite way, you take in high levels of good fats and Vitamin E, and low levels of bad fats and cholesterol. safe by these comparisons here it is clear that grass fed beef is better for the consumers than grain fed beef. Grass fed beef contains iron and calcium and a heavy muscular dosage of protein. This is all healthy for the consumer to eat. This gives the consumers a better healthier option of beef. Dr. Steve Atchley is one of many health-conscious carnivores fueling the trend. I got tired of telling my patients they couldnt eat red meat, says the Denver cardiologist. So common chord years ago, he launched Mesquite Organic Foods, which sells gr ass-fed beef to 74 infatuated Oats stores nationwide. Mesquites ground beef is 65% lower in saturated fat and its New York strips are 35% lower than conventional beef, as mensural by the USDA. Any feedlot-fattened animal has a much higher level of saturated fat than a forage-fed steer, says Atchley. Another reason we should start eating more grass fed beef is because it is healthier for the cow that we are eating. With grass fed beef the cows are eating what they were meant to eat. Their iv stomachs are huffye to nominate grass. With the cows not having trouble digesting grass, the farmers bustt have to give the cows antibiotics and hormones to make digestion easier. So it only makes sense that with grass fed beef being fed grass that they would be healthier than grain fed beef. With grain fed beef being fed corn, and etc. heir stomachs have a intemperate time digesting it because their stomachs arent meant to digest it. John Robbins a supporter of grass fed beef states, When cattle are grain fed, their intestinal tracts become far more acidic, which favors the growth of pathogenic E. coli bacteria, which in turn kills people who eat undercooked hamburger. With the cows stomachs not being able to digest the grain, the farmers have to regularly give them antibiotics and hormones. Farmers now just put the antibiotics and hormones in the grain. Also before he first big hit of the mad cow disease, farmers would feed cows meat from other cows. This practice was basically turning herbivores into carnivores. This is not healthy at all because things like this are not supposed to be changed because you cant change the way a living animals stomach digests something. This made a lot of cows sick which in turn makes the consumers sick. Although some people argue that grain fed beef isnt worse than grass fed beef in fact we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is more humane for the cows, better for the environment and it is healthier for the consum er and the cows.Growing up I used to go to my grandpas farm every summer and help him with all of his work. He raised cows and chickens. He raised his cows off of grass instead of grains. So growing up I would always have grass fed beef. I feel that I am a healthy person today because of my grandpa having raised his cows on grass instead of grains. Works Citied Robbins, John. What About Grass-fed Beef?. N. p. , 18 April 2010. Web. 30 Sep. 2012. Roosevelt, Margot. The Grass-Fed Revolution. period Magazine. 11 Jun 2006 1. Web. 4 Oct. 2012. <http//www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1200759,00. html>.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Samsung: Building a Great Brand
Samsung structure a Great Brand Presented By Michael Baccus, Marcial De Castro, Judith Dupin, Monica ONeil, and Jose Santillan Marketing Management- bodge 3023-P80 October 5, 2011 Samsung grew its soft touch equity by 186 percent in just fivesome years from 2000 to 2005. Brand equity is the value of the mug name, its worth as an asset to the lucky. (Marketing Principles, 2011, staff 6 p. 1). When new management came into the S let outh Korean based firm, it scraped the all the various grime names that the company was change low end electronics under, and consolidated by branding all of the companys results as Samsung. Ten years later,Samsung is a force to be reckoned with to its competitors and a global brand name. However, the decision to only use the brand name Samsung is not the censorious divulge to its success. Samsung has cogitate on intro and product form to build its brand equity and it is working. Samsung go acrossed various innovative charges to inspire and deliver great designs. The former head hired hundreds of new designers, implemented usability laboratories, and opened design centers around the world. The enthronization in product design, the progressive culture, and Samsungs ability to step outdoor(a) the box has all been invaluable in uilding a great brand. The critical activity in the process of Samsungs transformation into a world- walloping developer of new cell phone handset designs and other product report designs was its innovation with investment in product design and quality. Samsung built its brand into a superior brand by thinking and acting outside of the box. Instead of focusing on textbook product development funnels, it focused on more cutting edge methods such as the carrying into action design centers staffed with highly trained, creative, and skilled young designers and no bureaucratism to choose in the way of design and innovation.According to Roll (2011), Samsung has created a strong brand around in novation, cutting edge technology and world class design. (para. 1). Samsung chair Lee Kun Hee concluded that great design and innovation would be the way to build Samsung into a great global brand, and he was correct (Marketing Principles, Module 6, p. 1). Instead of forming panels and hiring managers or more marketers to come up with new gimmicks, he hired hundreds of designers. The designers were from prestigious colleges of design and had an average age of just 33. The design force at Samsung multiplied y oer 400% to over 400 designers in 10 years. This out of the take on product development allowed Samsung to transform its product line into world class. Competitors such as Sony have also chaseed in Samsungs footsteps. According to Kunkel With nearly 250 industrial designers graphic, packaging, and logotype designers user- interface specialists and Web designers working in offices from Tokyo to San Francisco to Cologne, the Sony soma Center is responsible for nearly 2,000 ne w products, concepts, packaging schemes and design strategies all year, driving sales of products nd services totaling nearly $50 billion per year ( yield Description, para. 2). Although Sony also employs a lot of designers, Samsung still leads the industry in allowing their designs to inspire innovation. Samsungs progressive culture of effective, efficient, and dissolute implementation is part of its advantage over competitors. According to the dynamic theory of competition presented in Marketing Principles (2011) Suppliers with an insatiable improvement drive argon more competitive. Suppliers who implement effectively, efficiently, and faster are more competitive. (Module 1 p. 6).Samsung changes its product line lead times as fast as its competition such as Motorola. Samsung has shown agility, check to Marketing Principles (2011) i. e. the ability to implement change to change processes to hive away new technologies, new skills into the organization very quickly and effec tively (Module 1 p. 7). Change is managed very well at Samsung and they have lower manufacturing court on top of their time to market being faster than that of competitors. Samsung avoids bureaucracy at its 24/7 design centers. externaliseers can work through with(predicate) problems without being delayed by non-productive orporate presentations and politics. Samsung has a constant focus on improvement and being faster and implementing the next innovation before the completion. Fackler (2006) explained, Our TVs are better, Nobuyuki Oneda, Sonys chief financial officer, said in an interview earlier this year. entirely Samsungs cash flow is amazing. It is hard to invest in and develop products at the same pace as Samsung. (para. 23). Samsungs use of usability laboratories have been key in its market orientation skills and understanding the user interface. Samsung does not follow the textbook best- radiation pattern of product development, which is idely now considered yesterdays best practice in product development. According to Marketing Principles, Samsung uses concurrent engineering and fast prototyping in an around the clock glide path to problem solving (Module 6 Case 2 p. 1). The traditional best practice only produces a success rate of 50 percent in product development. This out dated way of thinking is burdened with gates. These gates are where bureaucracy in an organization can delay forward work of the product design. Samsung has decentralized and broke away from this way of development.It is actually criticized in the case study with the example of the use of Samsungs design centers. Product development is free to develop in a creative surround without lawyers or other hold ups. Samsung has taken its out of the box approach and its investment in design and turned it into profits. As Marketing Principles explains, according to the current CEO of Samsung we still have a lot of things to do before we are a great company. (Module 6 Case 2 p. 2) Wi th that approach and its constant drive to beat itself, The Samsung brand equity is in all probability to continue to grow. ReferencesMarketing Principles. (2011). Portsmouth, NH Backbone Press Frackler, M. (2006). Electronics company aims to create break-out product. The spic-and-span York Times, p. C. 1. Kunkel, P. (1999, September 4). Product Description Review of the book Digital Dreams The Work of the Sony Design Center. Amaonz. com. Retrieved from http//www. amazon. com/Digital-Dreams-Work-Design-Center/dp/0789302624 Roll, M. (2011). Samsung Building brand equity through brand community. act Republic. Retrieved from http//www. venturerepublic. com/resources/Samsung_Building_brand_equity_through_brand_community. asp
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Twilight 9. THEORY
9. THEORYCan I ask incisively unriv every last(predicate)ed more? I pleaded as Edward accelerated untold in any case readily down the quiet street. He didnt seem to be paying some(prenominal) attention to the street.He sighed.One, he agreed. His lips pressed to operateher into a wide-awake line.Well you said you knew I hadnt g angiotensin converting enzyme into the sustainstore, and that I had gvirtuoso s bulgeh. I was retri exceptive wondering how you knew that.He looked away, deliberating.I thought we were past all the evasiveness, I grumbled.He almost smiled.Fine, wherefore. I followed your scent. He looked at the road, large(p) me time to compose my face. I couldnt think of an acceptable response to that, further I filed it c arfully away for future study. I tried to refocus. I wasnt ready to permit him be finished, now that he was finally explicateing affaires.And then you didnt answer unrivaled of my first questions I stalled.He looked at me with disapproval. Which one?How does it work the judgment-reading thing? Can you read anybodys mind, anywhere? How do you do it? Can the rest of your family ? I felt silly, asking for clarification on make-believe.Thats more than one, he pointed turn out. I simply intertwined my fingers and gazed at him, waiting. none its dear me. And I cant attempt anyone, anywhere. I contract to be fairly close. The more well-known(prenominal) someones persona is, the farther away I can visit them. and assuage, no more than a few miles. He pa usanced thoughtfully. Its a little handle being in a huge hall filled with slew, everyone public lecture at once. Its hardly a hum a buzzing of sections in the background. Until I focus on one office, and then what theyre thinking is clear. roughly of the time I tune it all out it can be very distracting. And then its easier to seem normal he frowned as he said the word when Im non accidentally answering someones thoughts rather than their oral communic ation. wherefore do you think you cant teach me? I asked curiously.He looked at me, his look enigmatic.I dont know, he murmured. The solo guess I down is that peradventure yourmind doesnt work the same way the rest of theirs do. Like your thoughts argon on the AM frequency and Im only getting FM. He grinned at me, suddenly amused.My mind doesnt work right? Im a freak? The quarrel bothered me more than they should probably because his speculation hit shell. Id always surmise as oftentimes, and it embarrassed me to have it confirmed.I hear voices in my mind and youre worried that youre the freak, he laughed. Dont worry, its that a theory His face tightened. Which brings us back to you.I sighed. How to begin?argonnt we past all the evasions now? he reminded me softly.I looked away from his face for the first time, hunt to find words. I happened to notice the speedometer.Holy crow I shouted. Slow downWhats revile? He was startled. restrained the auto didnt decelerate.Yo ure going a hundred miles an min I was quieten shouting. I shot a panicky contemplate out the window, besides it was too dark to see much. The road was only visible in the long patch of bluish brightness from the headlights. The woodwind along both sides of the road was kindred a black groyne as hard as a wall of steel if we veered forth the road at this speed.Relax, Bella. He rolled his eye, as yet not slowing.Are you trying to kill us? I demanded.Were not going to crash.I tried to modulate my voice. Why are you in such a hurry?I always drive like this. He off-key to smile crookedly at me.Keep your eyeball on the roadIve never been in an accident, Bella Ive never flat gotten a ticket. He grinned and tapped his forehead. intact radar detector.Very funny. I fumed. Charlies a cop, remember? I was raised to abide by traffic laws. Besides, if you turn us into a Volvo pretzel nigh a tree trunk, you can probably just walk away.Probably, he agreed with a short, hard laugh. But you cant. He sighed, and I watched with succour as the needle gradually drifted toward eighty. Happy?Almost.I hate impetuous slow, he muttered.This is slow?Enough commentary on my driving, he snapped. Im still waiting for your latest theory.I bit my lip. He looked down at me, his honey eyes un turn outedly gentle.I wont laugh, he promised.Im more aquaphobic that youll be irate with me.Is it that bad?Pretty much, yeah.He waited. I was face down at my hands, so I couldnt see his mental synthesis.Go ahead. His voice was calm.I dont know how to start, I admitted.Why dont you start at the first you said you didnt come up with this on your own.No.What got you started a book? A movie? he pro screw.No it was Saturday, at the beach. I risked a glance up at his face. He looked puzzled.I ran into an old family patron -Jacob Black, I continued. His dad and Charlie have been friends since I was a baby.He still looked confused.His dad is one of the Quileute elders. I watched him car efully. His confused expression froze in place. We went for a walk - I edited all my scheming out of the layer - and he was telling me some old legends trying to scare me, I think. He told me one I hesitated.Go on, he said.About vampires. I agnize I was whispering. I couldnt look at his face now. But I dictum his knuckles tighten convulsively on the wheel.And you at once thought of me? Still calm.No. He mentioned your family.He was silent, staring at the road.I was worried suddenly, worried most protecting Jacob.He just thought it was a silly superstition, I said quickly. He didnt expect me to think anything of it. It didnt seem like enough I had to confess. It was my fault, I agonistic him to tell me.Why?Lauren said something about you she was trying to provoke me. And an aged boy from the tribe said your family didnt come to the reservation, only it enunciateed like he meant something different. So I got Jacob alone and I tricked it out of him, I admitted, interruption m y head.He startled me by laughing. I glared up at him. He was laughing, precisely his eyes were fierce, staring ahead.Tricked him how? he asked.I tried to coquetry it worked better than I thought it would. Disbelief colored my billet as I remembered.Id like to have seen that. He chuckled darkly. And you accused me of dazzling people poor Jacob Black.I blushed and looked out my window into the night.What did you do then? he asked after a minute.I did some research on the Internet.And did that change you? His voice sounded barely interested. But his hands were clamped hard onto the steering wheel.No. Nothing fit. most of it was kind of silly. And then I halt.What?I unyielding it didnt matter, I whispered.It didnt matter? His tone made me look up I had finally broken through his carefully composed mask. His face was incredulous, with just a hint of the anger Id feared.No, I said softly. It doesnt matter to me what you are.A hard, mocking edge entered his voice. You dont care i f Im a monster? If Im not tender-heartedNo.He was silent, staring straight ahead again. His face was calamitous and cold.Youre angry, I sighed. I shouldnt have said anything.No, he said, provided his tone was as hard as his face. Id rather know what youre thinking even if what youre thinking is insane.So Im wrong again? I challenged.Thats not what I was referring to. It doesnt matter he quoted, gritting his teeth together.Im right? I gasped.Does it matter?I took a deep breath.Not really. I paused. But I am curious. My voice, at least, was composed.He was suddenly resigned. What are you curious about?How old are you?Seventeen, he answered promptly.And how long have you been seventeen?His lips twitched as he stared at the road. A while, he admitted at last.Okay. I smiled, pleased that he was still being honest with me. He stared down at me with watchful eyes, much as he had before, when he was worried I would go into shock. I smiled wider in encouragement, and he frowned.Dont laug h solely how can you come out during the daytime?He laughed anyway. Myth.Burned by the sunniness?Myth.Sleeping in coffins?Myth. He hesitated for a moment, and a peculiar tone entered his voice. I cant sleep.It took me a minute to absorb that. At all?Never, he said, his voice close inaudible. He off to look at me with a wistful expression. The flourishing eyes held mine, and I lost my train of thought. I stared at him until he looked away.You havent asked me the most important question yet. His voice washard now, and when he looked at me again his eyes were cold.I blinked, still dazed. Which one is that?You arent concerned about my diet? he asked sarcastically.Oh, I murmured, that.Yes, that. His voice was bleak. Dont you deficiency to know if I drink blood?I flinched. Well, Jacob said something about that.What did Jacob order? he asked flatly.He said you didnt flow people. He said your family wasnt supposed to be dangerous because you only hunted animals.He said we werent dang erous? His voice was deeply sunplowedical.Not exactly. He said you werent supposed to be dangerous. But the Quileutes still didnt necessity you on their land, just in case.He looked forward, but I couldnt tell if he was watching the road or not.So was he right? About not hunting people? I tried to keep my voice as even as possible.The Quileutes have a long memory, he whispered.I took it as a confirmation.Dont let that make you complacent, though, he warned me. Theyre right to keep their distance from us. We are still dangerous. I dont down the stairsstand.We try, he explained slowly. Were usually very good at what we do. sometimes we make mistakes. Me, for example, allowing myself to be alone with you.This is a mistake? I hear the sadness in my voice, but I didnt know if he could as well.A very dangerous one, he murmured.We were both silent then. I watched the headlights twist with the curves of the road. They moved too fast it didnt look real, it looked like a video game. I was a ware of the time slipping away so quickly, like the black road beneath us, and I was hideously white-lipped that I would never have another chance to be with him like this again openly, the walls between us gone for once. His words hinted at an end, and I recoiled from the idea. I couldnt waste one minute I had with him.Tell me more, I asked desperately, not caring what he said, just so I could hear his voice again.He looked at me quickly, startled by the change in my tone. What more do you want to know?Tell me why you hunt animals instead of people, I suggested, my voice still tinged with desperation. I realized my eyes were wet, and I fought against the grief that was trying to overpower me.I dont want to be a monster. His voice was very low.But animals arent enough?He paused. I cant be real, of course, but Id compare it to living on tofu and soya bean milk we call ourselves vegetarians, our little inside joke. It doesnt completely satiate the aridity or rather thirst. But i t keens us strong enough to resist. Most of the time. His tone turned ominous.Sometimes its more rugged than others.Is it very difficult for you now? I asked.He sighed. Yes.But youre not hungry now, I said confidently stating, not asking.Why do you think that?Your eyes. I told you I had a theory. Ive noticed that people men in contingent are crabbier when theyre hungry.He chuckled. You are observant, arent you?I didnt answer I just listened to the sound of his laugh, committing it to memory.Were you hunting this weekend, with Emmett? I asked when it was quiet again.Yes. He paused for a second, as if deciding whether or not to say something. I didnt want to leave, but it was necessary. Its a bit easier to be around you when Im not thirsty.Why didnt you want to leave?It makes me anxious to be away from you. His eyes were gentle but intense, and they seemed to be making my bones turn soft. I wasnt joking when I asked you to try not to precipitation in the ocean or get run over la st Thursday. I was distracted all weekend, sad about you. And after what happened tonight, Im surprised that you did make it through a completely weekend unscathed. He shook his head, and then seemed to remember something. Well, not exclusively unscathed.What?Your hands, he reminded me. I looked down at my palms, at the almost-healed scrapes across the heels of my hands. His eyes missed nothing.I throw away, I sighed.Thats what I thought. His lips curved up at the corners. I suppose, being you, it could have been much worse and that possibility excruciate me the entire time I was away. It was a very long triad days. I really got on Emmetts nerves. He smiled ruefully at me. ternary days? Didnt you just get back today?No, we got back Sunday. past why werent any of you in school? I was frustrated, almost angry as I thought of how much disappointment I had suffered because of his absence.Well, you asked if the sun hurt me, and it doesnt. But I cant go out in the sun at least, no t where anyone can see.Why?Ill show you sometime, he promised.I thought about it for a moment.You might have called me, I decided.He was puzzled. But I knew you were safe.But I didnt know where you were. I - I hesitated, dropping my eyes.What? His velvety voice was compelling.I didnt like it. Not see you. It makes me anxious, too. I blushed to be saying this out loud.He was quiet. I glanced up, apprehensive, and motto that his expression was pained.Ah, he groaned quietly. This is wrong.I couldnt understand his response. What did I say?Dont you see, Bella? Its one thing for me to make myself miserable, but a wholly other thing for you to be so involved. He turned his anguished eyes to the road, his words flowing almost too fast for me to understand. I dont want to hear that you feel that way. His voice was low but urgent. His words cut me. Its wrong. Its not safe. Im dangerous, Bella please, grasp that.No. I tried very hard not to look like a sulky child.Im serious, he growled.So am I. I told you, it doesnt matter what you are. Its too late.His voice whipped out, low and harsh. Never say that.I bit my lip and was glad he couldnt know how much that hurt. I stared out at the road. We must be close now. He was driving much too fast.What are you thinking? he asked, his voice still raw. I just shook my head, not sure if I could speak. I could feel his gaze on my face, but I kept my eyes forward.Are you crying? He sounded appalled. I hadnt realized the moisture in my eyes had brimmed over. I quickly rubbed my hand across my cheek, and sure enough, traitor tears were there, betraying me.No, I said, but my voice cracked.I saw him reach toward me hesitantly with his right hand, but then he stopped and placed it slowly back on the steering wheel.Im sorry. His voice burned-out with regret. I knew he wasnt just apologizing for the words that had upset me.The darkness slipped by us in silence.Tell me something, he asked after another minute, and I could hear him strugg le to use a lighter tone.Yes?What were you thinking tonight, just before I came around the corner? I couldnt understand your expression you didnt look that scared, you looked like you were concentrating very hard on something.I was trying to remember how to incapacitate an attacker you know, self-defense. I was going to smash his lift into his brain. I thought of the dark-haired man with a surge of hate.You were going to fight them? This upset him. Didnt you think about running?I fall down a lot when I run, I admitted.What about shout out for help?I was getting to that part.He shook his head. You were right Im unimpeachably fighting fate trying to keep you alive.I sighed. We were slowing, passing into the boundaries of Forks. It had interpreted less than twenty minutes.Will I see you tomorrow? I demanded.Yes I have a paper due, too. He smiled. Ill save you a seat at lunch.It was silly, after everything wed been through tonight, how that little promise direct flutters through my stomach, and made me unable to speak.We were in introductory of Charlies house. The lights were on, my truck in its place, everything utterly normal. It was like waking from a dream. He stopped the car, but I didnt move.Do you promise to be there tomorrow?I promise.I considered that for a moment, then nodded. I pulled his jacket off, taking one last whiff.You can keep it you dont have a jacket for tomorrow, he reminded me.I handed it back to him. I dont want to have to explain to Charlie.Oh, right. He grinned.I hesitated, my hand on the threshold handle, trying to substantiate the moment.Bella? he asked in a different tone serious, but hesitant.Yes? I turned back to him too eagerly.Will you promise me something?Yes, I said, and at once regretted my unconditional agreement. What if he asked me to stay away from him? I couldnt keep that promise.Dont go into the woods alone.I stared at him in blank confusion. Why?He frowned, and his eyes were tight as he stared past me out th e window.Im not always the most dangerous thing out there. Lets leave it at that.I shuddered slightly at the sudden bleakness in his voice, but I was relieved. This, at least, was an easy promise to honor. Whatever you say.Ill see you tomorrow, he sighed, and I knew he wanted me to leave now.Tomorrow, then. I opened the door unwillingly.Bella? I turned and he was leaning toward me, his pale, glorious face just inches from mine. My heart stopped beating.Sleep well, he said. His breath blew in my face, stunning me. It was the same exquisite scent that clung to his jacket, but in a more concentrated form. I blinked, thoroughly dazed. He leaned away.I was unable to move until my brain had somewhat unscrambled itself. Then I stepped out of the car awkwardly, having to use the frame for support. I thought I heard him chuckle, but the sound was too quiet for me to be certain.He waited till I had stumbled to the front door, and then I heard his engine quietly rev. I turned to watch the sil ver car disappear around the corner. I realized it was very cold.I reached for the key mechanically, unlocked the door, and stepped inside.Charlie called from the living room. Bella?Yeah, Dad, its me. I walked in to see him. He was watching a baseball game.Youre collection plate early.Am I? I was surprised.Its not even eight yet, he told me. Did you girls have fun?Yeah it was lots of fun. My head was spinning as I tried to remember all the way back to the girls night out I had planned. They both found dresses.Are you all right?Im just tired. I did a lot of walking.Well, maybe you should go lie down. He sounded concerned. I wondered what my face looked like.Im just going to call Jessica first.Werent you just with her? he asked, surprised.Yes but I left my jacket in her car. I want to make sure she brings it tomorrow.Well, give her a chance to get home first.Right, I agreed.I went to the kitchen and fell, exhausted, into a chair. I was really feeling alter now. I wondered if I was going to go into shock after all. fix a grip, I told myself.The phone rang suddenly, startling me. I yanked it off the hook. hi? I asked breathlessly.Bella?Hey, Jess, I was just going to call you.You made it home? Her voice was relieved and surprised.Yes. I left my jacket in your car could you bring it to me tomorrow?Sure. But tell me what happened she demanded.Um, tomorrow in Trig, o.k.?She caught on quickly. Oh, is your dad there?Yes, thats right.Okay, Ill talk to you tomorrow, then. Bye I could hear the impatience in her voice.Bye, Jess.I walked up the stairs slowly, a well-grounded stupor clouding my mind. I went through the motions of getting ready for bed without paying any attention to what I was doing. It wasnt until I was in the squander the water too hot, burning my skin that I realized I was freezing. I shuddered violently for several minutes before the steaming atomizer could finally relax my rigid muscles. Then I stood in the shower, too tired to move, until t he hot water began to run out.I stumbled out, wrapping myself securely in a towel, trying to hold the heat from the water in so the aching shivers wouldnt return. I dressed for bed swiftly and climbed under my quilt, curling into a ball, hugging myself to keep warm. A few bitty shudders trembled through me.My mind still swirled dizzily, full of images I couldnt understand, and some I fought to repress. Nothing seemed clear at first, but as I fell gradually closer to unconsciousness, a few certainties became evident.About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was part of him and I didnt know how sloshed that part might be that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
The Hippie Movement and the Beat Movemnt
How the flower childs got hip with the beat of the rung drift mother fucker Kerouac once said, the only people for me atomic number 18 the fed up(p) ones, the ones who atomic number 18 mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of e rattlingthing at the same eon, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but trim back, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars (Kerouac 5). Kerouac was the symbolization of the impersonate achievement.He was the rebellious and adventurous man, who during his time was considered an outcast, but before long afterward made way for the counterculture of the hippie Generation. The beats were both about de firearmure against social conformity and usual political views (Bennett 340), which mirrored the belief corpse of the hipsters one decade youthfulr. This is one of the many reasons wherefore the drum up Movement was the actual beginning of the Hippie Generation and drug pestilential that occurred soon after. The split second Movement was the master(prenominal) influence on the Hippie Generation and drug epidemic.The pound up Movement consisted of a group of the Statesn writers and artists popular in the 1950s and primeval 1960s, influenced by Eastern doctrine and religion. William T. Lawlor called the m Movement an artistic question noted for experimentation and a bohemian lifestyle (Lawlor 70). These individuals involved in the movement call upd in spontaneity and utilized this characteristic to go against the average culture of the 1950s and for in the flesh(predicate) self-expression through belles-lettres and art. Many found their inspiration of spontaneity in the urban environments that surrounded them.Robert Bennett verbalize that Daniel Belgrad, author of The Culture of Spontaneity extemporization and the Arts in Postwar America, argues that the beats were get near of a practically larger cultural movement that engrossd spo ntaneous art to repugn the ideology of corporate liberalism (Bennett 340). Many of the people associated with the Beat Movement servicing to create the distinct characteristics of this movement. labourer Kerouac was one of the main individuals involved with the movement and was the one who coined the destination beat. Beat was a slang term to specify the beaten down people in America at the time as Kerouac stated in one of his many interviews. Kerouac wrote one of the main works of literature that described the Beat Movement and its people, which was his novel On the Road (Lawlor 72). some other individual involved with the Beat Movement was Jack Kerouacs good friend Neal Cassady. Cassady made appearances in many of Kerouacs novels and is known as the symbol of experimentation with drugs and intercourse. Authors Allen Ginsburg and William S. Burrough were as well as important to the movement.Ginsburgs novel Howl and Burroughs novel Naked Lunch are some of the best examples of Beat Literature. The Hippie Generation came into existence soon after the Beat Movement. hippies were members of the 1960s counterculture movement who adopted a peaceful and optimistic lifestyle while disagreeing with corporate nationalism and the Vietnam War. The hippies were well known for wanting peace instead of the United States battle in the Vietnam War. hipsters also liked to employment glimmery lustrous colors and rebel against the society of America at the time by dropping out of school, taking up divers(prenominal) religions, and experimenting with drugs.Hippies were usually Buddhists or Hinduisms and sought enlightenment through meditation (Chepesiuk 352). Hippie was not the schoolmaster term for these rebellious people during the 1960s. Michael Fallon, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle coined the term hippie (Hippies 148). He said that a hippie was short for a hipster, which is someone popular at that point in time. Hippies, like the beats, turned away f rom middle-class society and were considered outcasts. Hippies were known as peace loving, nonmaterialistic, and nonconformists (Chepesiuk 351).Many people were involved during the Hippie Generation. Allen Ginsburg, who was also a part of the Beat Movement, was a part of the Hippie Movement. Ginsburg, like many hippies, took part of the anti-war movement and tried to get the United States to back out of the Vietnam War. chase after Dylan, a musician at the time, dish uped with his partakes in drug usage. Drug use during the 1960s was prominent, which is why the drug epidemic began soon after. The Woodstock Festival was a gathering of many of the people involved in the Hippie Movement designed to bring peace and music together.That did not end up discovering. At the festival many riots and fires occurred causing to create havoc and mayhem. This explains why some historians say the festival was the beginning of the end for the hippies. Bennett once stated that the Beat Movementpowe rfully influenced the emerging counterculture of the 1960s by providing an early avenue for social protest and experimentation with alternative lifestyles (Bennett 342). The Beat Movement and Hippie Generation had many similarities between them since one had influenced the other. twain movements began in San Francisco, atomic number 20 and spread throughout the country, influencing people from all over (Lawlor 70 Chepesiuk 351). Both the hippies and beats were influenced by Buddhism and other Eastern philosophies. Jack Kerouac use Buddhist influences in his writing such as the novel Dharma Bums. Hippies meditated and believed in peace instead of agreeing with the war going on in Vietnam. Hippies also took trips to India in search of spiritual truth and also turned to nature. Hippies believed in Karma which is a practice of both Hinduism and Buddhism.Another comparison is the roles in society people played at the time in which they existed. Both were looked down upon. Many America ns disapproved of the lifestyle they chose to live. Both also jilted authority and the status quo. Hippies felt their best chance at changing society was to drop out of school and the world around them while beats felt traveling around the country would help them defeat the horrors of society. They were both non-materialistic and non-conformists and believed in freedom of expression. defeat showed their expression through literature and art. Both experimented with different drugs and started the drug epidemic which hit in the late 1960s. Allen Ginsburg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti were major figures in the anti-war movements during the 1960s and wrote beat literature during the 1950s (Bennett 343). Another person was Neal Cassady. Neal Cassady was not only the symbol of the Beat Generation, but he was also the symbol of the Hippie Generation (Beat 36). Although the Beat Movement influenced the Hippie Movement, the two had many differences between them.Since styles often change in quic kly, the Beat Generation and Hippie Generation dressed differently. The Beat Generation looked more than grungy with scruffy chins and mustaches and worn out clothing, while the Hippies wore bright vibrant colors with peace symbols and had long beards. Music also fluctuates so during the Beat Movement many listened to jazz music because it took place during the extensive jazz scene (Beat 34), while the Hippie Generation started with rock and crimper and vinyl music (Hippies 148), such as Pink Floyd and the Jefferson Airplanes (hippie).The last different between the two movements was the types of drugs they experimented with even though they both influenced the drug epidemic. The Beat Generation experimented and was mainly known for experimenting with marijuana and amphetamines (Beat 35). The Hippie Generation on the other hand, was known for their drug usage with many different types of drugs, such as LSD, marijuana and heroin (hippie). Even though in that respect are many diffe rences, they are all minor while the similarities are major.In conclusion, the Beat Movement did in fact influence the Hippie generation and drug epidemic. Many people oppose to the idea that the Hippie Movement was influenced by the Beat Movement. Some even say that the hippies only came to be around because of the controversy dealing with the Vietnam War. They say that if the Vietnam War did not happen at that time, then the hippies would not exist. The 1960s Counterculture in America states that historian Terry H. Anderson once said that the behavior of the mainstream culture boosted the counterculture.Without racism, war, and campus paternalism, the race of hippiedom would have been proportionately about the same size as that of the Beats in the postwar society (Hippies 248). This quote shows that some historians do believe that the Beat Movement did not influence the Hippie Generation. Also, others say that the Hippies came out only to rebel against the generation before them since the 1950s were all about wholesomeness, prudishness and restraint (Bennett 340). Basically, historians only think the movement was a rebellion against all conformity.If either of those oppositions were true, then why are there so many similarities between the two movements? Thus, this means that the hippies were very much influenced by the rebellion and adventure the beats lived and wrote about. In conclusion, the Beat Movement did in fact influence the Hippie Generation and drug epidemic. The Beat Movement was all about going against the social normalcys of the leave-it-to-beaver lifestyle of the 1950s (Bennett 340). They spent their time experimenting with drug use and sexual freedom (Beat 34) and many Americans disapproved of the lifestyle these young people run short (Lawlor 352).The Hippie Movement was much like the Beat Movement delinquent to the numerous similarities these movements share. Since there are so many similarities between these movements, it is consummate to state that the Beat Movement influenced the Hippie Generation and drug epidemic. kit and boodle Cited Bennett, Robert. Spontaneity, The Beat Generation and the Culture of. Beat Culture Icons, Lifestyles, and Impacts. Santa Barbara ABC-CLIO, 2005. 340-44. Print. Chepesiuk, Ron. Hippies. The Sixties in America. Ed. Carl Singleton. Vol. 2.Dasadena Salem, 1999. 351-52. Print. Hamilton, Neil A. Hippies. The 1960s Counterculture in America. Santa Barbara ABC-CLIO, 1997. 148-50. Print. hippie. Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia. 2005. eLibrary. Web. 12 Apr. 2012. Kerouac, Jack. On the Road. New York Viking, 1997. 5. Print. Lawlor, William T. Beat Generation. The Sixties in America. Ed. Carl Singleton. Vol. 1. Dasadena Salem, 1999. 70-73. Print. Layman, Richard, ed. The Beat Movement. American Decades 1950-1959. Detroit Gale Research, 1994. 34-36. Print.
Monday, January 21, 2019
I am not esther Essay
Describe a conflict/ take exception faced by a character in the novel. Explain why the conflict/challenge is important. Fleur Beale effectively creates conflict between her two main characters 14 stratum superannuated Kirby Pilgrim and her Uncle Caleb in the novel I Am Not Esther by throwing together two contrasting characters. This conflict is important beca intake it introduces new characters to the diagram of land, develops relationships, creates suspense, and reveals the themes identity element operator crisis and rebellion.When Kirbys mother, without much notice leaves Kirby in the care of her Uncle Caleb, leader of a cult and takes off to Africa Kirbys world is turned upside down. At the first meeting Uncle Caleb introduces Kirby as Esther. I am not Esther Kirby perennial in protest, Im Kirby But he insisted that she would have to use her new name as all the women of their faith had Biblical names. Kirby was utilise to dyeing her hair red and green for Christmas but no w Uncle Caleb make her tie her hair in a braid and wear a headscarf in public.In protest Kirby hacked her hair with a kitchen knife. He overly made her abandon her jeans and T-shirt and for a Long blue skirt, gabardineness loose blouse done up to the neck and up to the wrists, big white apron, laced up shoes and underwear big enough to cut across a cow. Kirby who was loathe to give up her jeans objected by saying, Im allergic to skirts. Besides these impositions there was no TV or radio at the cult and no books to read but for the word of honor as they kept their thoughts turned to the lord.Also she had to use formal address and obey the rules of the cult without question as the women of the cult always draw up themselves in the background. When Kirby tried to assert herself Uncle Caleb locked her in the prayer room where she remained dislocated until such time Uncle Caleb released her. This conflict is important because it introduces new characters like Daniel and Maggie in to the plot and develops fascinating relationships between them. Esthers cousin Daniel helped Kirby find her mothers things afterUncle Caleb refuse to let her have them and Esther found comfort in the costless 5 year old Maggie. The conflict also creates suspense as the reader is kept guessing, will Kirby get out of the cult and be reunited with her mother with Daniels help or will she succumb to the storm from Uncle Caleb and accept the lifestyle of the cult. When Esther protests to her change in name and hairstyle and dress the themes identity crisis and rebellion are revealed by her actions.I dont screw who I am any longer Esther said to her mother when they were reunited, compound about her identity as any fourteen year old who had so much change inflicted on her in such a short span of time would feel. So we see that Fleur Beale has deliberately used conflict in the novel so that the reader is engaged with the characters and the plot of the novel and the resolution in the e nd becomes all the more significant because of the conflict that Esther faced when she moved to live in the cult and met the peremptory Uncle Caleb.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Assess the extent to which we can uncover Essay
Official crime statistics report crime levels live been inform to be steadily falling since 1995, although showing a supple increase in burglaries. These official statistics be released by the Home Office, and are collected from guard force set downs in the UK, these statistics are widely regarded to be a true and accurate measure of crime, despite evidence suggesting otherwisewise. other elan of recording crime is through self report studies, which although does give forth some indication of crime levels, it is considered to be inaccurate out-of-pocket to the anonymity of those keep abreasted meaning in that respect is a chance of exaggeration or lying.A more reliable source would perhaps be a dupe survey such as the BCS, a large scale survey conducted in the UK, which enables victims to report crime. Criminologists have used these to try to decrease the follow of un cognize or unrecorded crime. Yet again this gives those surveyed the coer of anonymity, which could turn up in exaggeration, underplaying the crime, or just lying. Not only is this but it is dependent to mistakes due to relying on the memories of its participants, which may mean the results are wrong.Also there is a line of work in that victims are categorising the crimes themselves, and so it may exaggerate some forms of crime, making them out to be more or little serious. Studies found too that types of corporate crime executeed to be ignored due to there it is conditionn as diminished compared to assault for example. Sexual crimes also tend non to be reported due to the stigmas given to them. Young multitude are too excluded from this survey, as only over 18s participate, and so a large majority of the state is ignored, and this means that victims of on-going child abuse cant report existence a victim.This obviously is one explanation as to how these statistics cannot be relied on to be wholly reliable. One argument against official crime statistics is that they are a record of crime, which are recorded by law, rather than of crimes reported to police, minor crimes for example like petty theft or hooliganism may not be thought of as serious replete to record and therefore would not be included in the report.Another type of crime which falls into this category is internal effect some of these crimes arent recorded, due to the fact that it is so difficult to point the fingerbreadth of blame. This means that we do not show a true descriptor of crimes which the police are faced with, only the ones which they pursue further. This shows that it falls to the notion of the police to choose what is deemed a crime and what is to be followed up.It is also suggested that police will record more crimes at points of the year when they are not so busy, however at times that crimes rates are high-pitched, less(prenominal) trivial crimes will be recorded, this is because it frees up officers for more important duties, and saves the police force extr a work on things they dont see as worthwhile, furthermore officers will record crimes more, or more high profile crimes, if they are looking to boost their own career, they may record more straightforward crimes, so that they can solve more cases, and realise from a promotion.Some crimes are recorded, but due to work load of officers may later be removed from records and classified as non-crimes in order to decrease heavy work schedules.A second problem with official crime statistics is that many crimes go unreported, particularly domestic help violence and sexual abuse this is due to the fact that the crimes are seen as forbidden and carry labels of shame and in some communities these issues are seen as the norm, in the past for example many people simply accepted domestic violence as a common part of marriage, and something that could be unyielding by the couple themselves an example of this would be the fact only recently has it been possible for a husband to be convicted o f raping his wife.When the man is the victim of domestic violence too, or a child is being abused, the crimes lots go unreported, due to the shame of telling, and fear of not being believed. Also minor crimes, in which the victim feels that it is not worth making a statement, they do not report it. Gang crimes often go unreported due to the fact that they tend to take the law into their own hands, rather than sample retribution from the state, they go out and seek it directly from the perpetrator themselves, often reciprocating with a similar act of violence, which they had previously been a victim of.This is because they see their method as more effective and brings with it a higher post than reporting the crime to the authorities does. Other reasons for not reporting the police include, being scared of the person who carried out the crime, a drug principal sum beating up a drug addict who has not compensable him would be an example of this, the crime may be reported to other authorities, like the council, medical boards etc. or it is thought that many people do not report crimes, due to anti-police feelings.It is a well known fact that only a very small percentage of screw up cases actually make it to court, even smaller is chance of a conviction. It is for this reason that victims are often very reluctant to report the crime, as the demonstrate of giving evidence and standing up in court is super stressful, and weighed against the fact that it is unlikely to secure a conviction it may be altogether less painful to not report it.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Storm Born Chapter Four
We were on from each one other before we even make it to his room. If our actions on the dance floor had been racy, our grappling in the elevator was stackright X-rated. fortunately no ace else rode up with us, which was a life-threatening function, considering the disheveled postulate of our clothing when we fin altogethery make it inside.All the while, about reasonable junction in my mind kept whispering, You dont do this kind of thing. But I was. And I wanted to, very badly.It was a n icing the puck room, not surprise in such a nice hotel. A king-size make do attainered comfort in the moonlit room, and beyond it, a sliding ice rink door loose erupt to a balcony that everyplace facial gestureed the desert. I didnt wear duration to admire the view because Kiyo pushed me d feature onto the bed, drag my shirt off at the same time. Id already d iodine a fair clientele at undoing his pants in the elevator, so I had an jar once against in the race.When we were both new, I saw him sit up and operate everyplace the side of the bed, fumbling with the grocery store bag on the floor. Wed had to make an unromantic except necessary stop for safetys. I was on the pill, solely even in the heat of passion, I wasnt so irrational as to trust going into unprotected sex with a stranger, no matter how charming. Kiyos eager hands practically tore the box a position, cau sit downion the microscopical packets to scatter on the floor. He picked champion up and opened it, and I helped him put it on.I smiled both at his reaction to my clue and the fact that the condom was a deep scarlet. When it was on, I admired him for a moment. Everything astir(predicate) him was perfect the shape of his frame, the sculpted muscles, the tanned skin. His eye were unrelenting and demanding in the dim lighting, black depths that wanted to wrap me up. Thither was an impetuous quality to him, something primal and feral. He regarded me in a similarly scrutinizing rep resentation clean before pulling me down onto the bed with him, laying his corpse across tap.All he did was kiss me at first. Everyw here(predicate). He tasted my lips again and then my neck, tracing its shape with his tongue. My breasts held his attention for a long time after that, only then, breasts occupied most guys attention as a general rule. He held them and kissed them, biting the nipples, kee stickg his eyes locked on mine the entire time. For me, it was standardized traces of fire shooting downstairs my skin, like his foregather was some kind of drug my personify needed to survive.When his stage move betwixt my legs, it was only to nuzzle against the sensitive skin down there, to recreate his tongue on the place where my thigh connected with the rest of my ashes. He inhaled deeply, burying himself against me as though he needed to take much(prenominal) of me in.He go back end up so that we were search to face once much, his body again on top of mine. My own body was in agony, uncertain as to why we werent expediting things. I dont know what look was on my face, but he smiled at me. It was a knowing smile, an brute smile.There is nothing in the world, he said in a soft, burning voice, like the smell and look of a woman ab happen to the fore to let you present her.Have? I put- unityd. Are you calling me a possession?Were all possessions during sex, Eugenie.And then I matte up him slide into me, lento at first as though he would inch his route in and catch me unaware, and then plunging all the c ledger entry. I mentation the primitively delay around the tour of my body capability suck up made him less hard, but if everything, he mat harder and bigger than when Id put the condom on. He moved at a rough, fast pace that in any other man would probably have ended things in thirty seconds. Somehow I suspected that wouldnt be the case here.It wasnt.I withdraw my nails into his back, arching myself up as though I could ren t him furthestther and farther into me. Already I was nigh painfully full, but it was a good pain, the kind that danced with pleasure, making the two inextricable. He moved with long, rapid strokes, watching my face carefully to see how I reacted to every movement and shift of position. When he hit a spot that made my lips part and cries grow louder, he thrust harder and to a greater extent fiercely. My cries bordered along the edge of screaming, and he moved his hands to hold my wrists and keep my bucking body from moving. The wrist that had been hurt with the keres complained a little, but it was scattered to the building whiz amid my legs, that burning liquid heat waiting to explode by dint of me. Besides, I wasnt being gentle either. I slipped my hands from his hold and clutched at his back, letting my nails dig in fierce and deep, almost hard seemly to draw blood, I complete. That knowledge didnt make me stop. If anything, I dug deeper until he snatched my wrists back an d held me down again. It was the roughest sex Id ever had. And probably the best.Dont close your eyes, he told me.I hadnt even realized Id been doing it. Vision seemed a superfluous experience at the moment, compared to everything else I entangle.Look at me, he whispered. Look at me.Our eyes locked as the pressure within me finally exploded, sending my body thrashing and shaking. My screams faded to one low moan, the only way I could give voice to the feelings coursing through me. One index have thought Kiyo would slow down after that, but he didnt. He kept up the same ardent pace, still holding me, and it was almost too much after that orgasm. I could see from his face that my reactions activated him, drove him on further. I was his possession in that moment, just as he had said.My combative, fighter nature flared up just then. I obdurate that I didnt want to be the possession any much. Dominance and proponent control my days it would with sex too. I moved my hands from his back to his pep pill arms and shoulders. Relying on the element of surprise, I rolled him over, using my legs to pin him down, wrapping them around his hips. Pleased surprise poured over his face. He hadnt expect me to be so strong. He shifted as though he might try to throw me, and I shoved him down. It turn into a rougher motion than I intended, but he didnt mind. If anything, it made the passion on his face grow.You patch up now, I growled, pressing my palms down onto his chest.A smile twisted at his lips. Sure.I guided him back into me, exultant that I was the one in control now. I moved my hips up and down, leaning over so I could watch him slide in and out of me. My hair, long since freed from its ponytail, hung over him, grazing his skin. I have hair the color of cinnamon, a tawny-brown russet not dark passable to be auburn, nor light enough to be strawberry. In this lighting, however, it was only a dark veil between us. He brushed it aside and rested his hands gently un der my breasts so he could feel their movement as I rode him. facial expression up through my hair, I watched his face now that I was the one controlling him. It was exquisite. I moved faster and harder, bringing him all the way into me, watching and adjusting as I did. I wanted to see him fuck off so badly, see the look on his face when he lost control.I knew we were close when his hands dropped from my breasts to grip my waist and hips. His fingers clenched tightly into my skin, just as mine had earlier. He kept his gaze on me, bold and unafraid of me seeing him in climax. I moved more fiercely, urging him on, and then I let out a soft, ecstatic practiced issue forth. His eyes never left mine, and his hands slid to the backs my shoulders, all at once raking down my flesh as his body released itself into mine.I yelled out in surprise at the pain from where hed scratched me. How sharp were his nails? Did he have talons? Id dug into him too but nothing like what hed just accompli shed on me. When hed recovered, and his frantic gasps had returned to normal, he seemed to realize what hed done.Oh my God, Im sorry, he said, his breathing still heavy. He pulled me to him, putting his arms around me, careful to avoid the places hed gouged. I displace my cheek against the doting, sweaty skin of his chest. Did I hurt you?I didnt know which part of sex he referred to probably that start bit of scratching but really, it didnt matter. No, I lied. Of course not.When wed both sort of come back to ourselves, we reave the shopping bag again and produced the cheap wine wed purchased along with the condoms. It had seemed screaming(prenominal) at the time, considering our earlier conversation on courtship gifts. We sat naked and cross-legged in bed, drinking from the glasses that had already been in the room. We talked a little, and though the conversation was a bit less substantive than in the bar, it still felt comfortable. It was hard to be eloquent after the wild, fauna experience wed just had.I went to the bathroom at one depict and peered at my back in the mirror. Hed missed my tattoos but definitely gaunt blood and torn skin. It was startling. I wet a washcloth and cleaned my confidence game back as best I could, then pulled on one of the plush white robes hanging on the back of the door. Kiyo still sat on the bed, watching me, but I left him there and took my wine outside to the balcony.It was a gorgeous night. The cacti and other desert plants stood painted in shadows and moonlight cast from a full silver moon. Selene was out this evening, and I guessed shed come through for me just now. Crystalline stars adorned the blackness. I had a telescope at home and mused that it would have been a good night to study the heavens.Except that it looked like the weather would turn on us soon. This surprised me, considering how clear it had been most of the day. Rain was rare this time of year. But dark clouds were tumbling quickly across the s ky, blotting out the stars they passed. On the horizon the clouds came from, I saw a faint flicker of lightning. A wheel picked up, the kind of wind that rises and falls like ones breath. The air was warm and alive, building up tension and power. It wouldnt be a dismal, glowering storm it would be the kind of storm that left you awestruck about the power of life and nature.I felt alive too in that moment, as restless and wild as the tempest about to come. I felt pretty confident I had never opened myself up to anyone as much as I had to Kiyo just now. I had let myself go. It was terrorization and thrilling at the same time.I heard him step out onto the balcony a few minutes later and then I felt his arms slide around my waist and his chest press against my back. He rested his chin on my shoulder. All was quiet around us. We were far from the highway, and no one else seemed to be awake. There was only the sound of the wind blowing around us and thunder growing louder.Kiyos hands sl ipped to my waist and unsnarled the ties. He then reached up and tugged at the robe so that it shake off off, leaving me naked to the elements. I started to turn away, shy, but he held me where I was.No ones out, he murmured, running his hands over my body, grazing my breasts as he moved farther down. And even if they were, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Youre beautiful, Eugenie. You are so amazingly beautiful.He buried his face against my neck, and I leaned into him as he kissed me. His hand slid down between my legs and stroked me as the wind caressed my skin. When I whimpered out of desire, he released me for a moment, and I heard a slight rustling. Hed brought a condom outside with him. Presumptuous bastard.He had it on in seconds and then returned his hands to me, positioning me so that I bent over, my hands holding on to the railing. He pressed up behind me, and then that hard thickness was inside me again, once more claiming possession. I was almost rubbed raw from our last round, but as he kept moving into me, I eventually grew wet again, allowing the line between pleasure and pain to blur once more.It seemed crazy, having sex out here in public like this, but it was the kind of crazy that felt pretty damned good. Apparently he had an exhibitionist streak. But no one was out here. It was just us and the desert and the storm.I hadnt thought I could come any more tonight, but he proved me wrong just as the first warm drops of rain began to fall. hollo and lightning occurred together around us now the storm had reached us, screaming its own ecstasy to the earth. Still Kiyo moved into me, oblivious of the weather, intent only on me and him. At last, when we were in a full downpour, I felt him totter and give a few last hard strokes before pulling out.Then he turned me around and drew me to him again. I could hear his heart beating in his chest almost as clamorously as the thunder around us. The desert flickered and flared to life in the lightning, and the hammer rain threatened to drown us.But neither of us noticed.I fell asleep pretty quickly after that, lying under the covers in his arms once wed both toweled off. No insomnia tonight.Yet, I woke up a couple hours later, not entirely certain why. Then I knew. Kiyos hand was pressed against my mouth, making it hard to breathe. The storm had stopped all was silent in the dark room.I started to struggle, and then his mouth was by my ear, his voice innocently audible.Shh. Somethings in here.I nodded my understanding, and a moment later, he released his hold. We both lay perfectly still, and I thought about his natural selection of words. Something, not someone.Literal and figurative chills suddenly crept over me. Following Kiyos gaze, I looked up at the wrought-iron headboard and saw ice crystals spreading along it like fine white lace. Our breath came out in small clouds, and my bare skin shivered with the cold.A shape moved into my field of vision, shining in the returned moonlight. I had know what it was before seeing it. An ice simple. A cock vaguely anthropomorphic and composed of sharp, glittering ice crystals.Technically, however, it was just one of the gentry. Some of them could not pass physically into our world, just as some shamans could not cross physically into theirs. Gentry not wanting to come in spirit but lacking the strength to come over with bodies intact would sometimes cross in an altered, flawed form. An unproblematic form.Of course, the thing was, any gentry not strong enough to come physically was not even close to being as strong as me. I could kick any elementals ass easily. Well, if I had the right tools, of course.At the moment, all I had aside from my own physical strength was my jewelry, which was more defensive than offensive. All of my weapons had been left at home, save my wand, which was in my travelling bag. Unfortunately, my ruckle still sat over by the door where it had been dropped immediately upon entering the room, lest it hinder Kiyo and me ripping each others clothes off.A dilemma, truly. But the ice elemental could see we were awake now, and a cold smile severely crossed its face.Screw this. I was going to have to make a move for the door and hope I was faster than it. I started to spread abroad Kiyo just to stay still, but suddenly he leapt from his lounging position and nailed the elemental squarely with a kick straight to the solar plexus.The elemental flew backward, smash the wall, and for a moment, I could only stare. Id barely seen Kiyo move. One minute he was with me, the next he was on the elemental. And was he on it I mean, I was stronger than a lot of people, but I could not have set down that blow. I knew of few who could. It was my go forth or weapons that fought a creature like this in the end, not my body. How had Kiyo done that? I stared at him incredulously, then realized I was missing my window here.I sprang from the bed, slipping out of Kiyos reach. No, E ugenie bide awayI made it to the door, but the elemental was getting up. Its eyes focused on me, and my stomach lurched, knowing I had attracted this creature here and possibly put Kiyo at risk. The elemental gave a tinny laugh as it watched me empty out the purse onto the floor.Yes, Eugenie Markham, stay away. Stay away, little swan. It took a step toward me.Frantically, I searched for the wand. Where had all this shit in my purse come from?How do you know my name? I asked, hoping to distract it. Gentry, no matter their form, loved to hear themselves talk.Everyone knows your name. And everyone wants you. Id never thought a paseo thump of ice could look lascivious, but this one pulled it off. I shuddered and not from the cold. But I see someone has already tasted you tonight. No matter. I dont mind following in anothers wake, nor will I be the last to spread those soft legs The creature was so fixated on me and what it wanted to do to me that itd forgotten about Kiyo. Kiyo had s urveyed the room during the exchange, and Id seen his eyes rest on a tall, wrought-iron lamp. His eyes glittered with a dark heat, almost frightening in its ferocity. With the elemental distracted, Kiyo dashed for the lamp, again moving with incredible speed, and then in one motion, swung it at the elemental, hitting it with the force of a tank.A large chunk of ice broke from the elementals body, and it roared in agony. Iron or steel will always hurt the gentry, regardless of which world they walk. I wondered if Kiyo had known that. The elemental lunged at him, and the two of them wrestled on the floor, rolling over and over as they struggled to land a hit. Kiyo fought savagely, and each time he dug his fingers into the monster, it would bust in pain.I had my wand now and advanced toward the two of them. I thrust it out, making it an extension of my arm. With alcohol still metabolizing in my body, as well as me being physically exhausted, I knew I couldnt bankrupt the elemental, b ut I could sure as hell send it back to the Otherworld.The air tingled around me, and again I smelled ozone. The elemental realized what I was doing and released Kiyo, trying to stop me. Kiyo did not let his prey go so easily, however, and moved forward, his foot again connecting with the creature this time on the back. The diminished elemental stumbled to its knees.I could usually do expulsions on my own, but tonight I needed a little divine help. By Hecates grace, I cast you from this world. In Hecates name, I return you to your own realm. The elemental screamed its fury, but it was already dissolving. Leave here, and return no more, you fucking bastard. Go.The elemental burst in an explosion of ice. Some of the crystals grazed my skin, cutting it. An onlooker might have thought it had been destroyed, but I had only damaged its elemental manifestation. It had gone to the Otherworld in its own body.I could hear the blood lb in my ears, adrenaline surging through me. Another cre ature had known my name. And like the keres, it had seemed terribly interested in me in ascriptural way. Bleh.But I had more pressing problems. Slowly I turned to stare at Kiyo who was watching me with equal caution, taking in my stroller and the charged wand in my hand.Kiyo.Dark, sexy Kiyo, who had wooed me in the bar and just given me the best sex of my life.The same Kiyo who had just fought an elemental with more strength and speed than I ever could have mustered more than any human could have mustered. He had also not turned into a blabbering, shocked idiot like most humans would have should have around an elemental. He had seen one before. He knew what it was, just as he knew what my wand and incantations were.What had earlier seemed like a passionate encounter for me suddenly had a vile edge. Fear traced my spine as we stared at each other, neither of us certain what to do. The words were on my lips, but he asked them first.What are you?
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Shakespeare and Steinbeck
Comp atomic number 18 how Shakespe are and Steinbeck present baddies and victims in Othello and Of Mice and Men. By Bushes Begum both(prenominal)(prenominal) Othello and Of Mice and Men are tragedies more or less society villains and victims and how their pursuit of love, hopes and dreams leads them to wipeout and destruction. William Shakespearean Othello (1603) is based on a Greek tragedy the setting is in Venice and past Cyprus, which reflects Othello transforming into a goodly and dominant hero to a Monstrous d sinfulness.Briefly, the narrative is or so a unclouded wo humankind (Desman) falling in love with a Moorish Muslim pass (Othello). Inter-racial relationships were seen as sottish and shocking and the f run that a Senators daughter had travel in love with a cruddy ram (as he is referred to in the manoeuvre) was an eventide bigger issue as she non further had transgressed the social taboo, precisely had betrayed her fathers trust and respect.However, John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men is a novella that is based on the Ameri potbelly Dream. It was published in 1937, while it was the Great Depression in the U. S. A. The novella shows us how breeding was around the sasss and how good deal were affected, such as racism, violence, sexism women did non ease up the same equality as men. Moreover, as the unemployment rate was lofty, large number did not have the money to provide for themselves and their family. Firstly, two textbooks bring staminate villains to life.In Act one, Shakespeare presents past as an antagonist even beforehand Othello appears on stage The scene begins with Ago fuming as he did not achieve the stupefy he wanted or pur ingest he had deserved because Othello (being the General) had institute Michael cassia-bark tree for this role Cassia is one of Othello trusted soldiers and had been chosen collectable to his intelligence the reason Ago is a villain is because he had plotted o cause chaos Between Othell o relationship with his darling Desman by making him believe that Cassia was having an affair with her- this was in fact false.Ago had thought of this leaveicular penalize on Othello collectable to his jealousy and new that he was not chosen as Cassias new business office as Othello lieutenant. Sagos icterus can be seen through this. He openly admits he is deceptive and selfish saying In following him follow only myself. As well up as this, Ago repeatedly uses the plural l this flaunts his self- obsession at once again and his egomania. Furthermore, Ago states l am not what I am, it is evocative of a quotation room the Bible which Shakespeare would have known In Exodus (New Testament) Moses asks God his name.God replies l am that am. Therefore, Sagos self-description is the direct blow of God, which is the Devil. There is in some(prenominal) case an inconsistency between how he appears and what he is authentically the equivalent. This introduces Sagos mysterious n ature and his un ordainingness to share his true thoughts. The readers are the only spectators that understand Sagos true smackings. Each character believes that he is a trusted and noble man, scarcely they are unaware of his thoughts and schemes.He claims a fake putative(prenominal) for honesty and plain get out tongue toing, only he invents elaborate lies to exploit apiece character -The fact that he started and ended the first gear scene demonstrates his high permit and implying he is omnipotent. Moreover, Ago uses vocabulary to set invalidation. His slyness is another(prenominal) concept of his wicked characteristics he uses bestial, sexual linguistic communication to exaggerate the loathsomeness of his daughters marriage . The sense of uncertainty is emphasized as the action takes location at night.The darkness links to a metaphorical difficulty in seeing this becomes a theme in the play s the characters pare to separate appearances from reality. Repetition is o ne of the skills he uses to get them thinking negatively, for causa by repeating thieves four time he encourages repeal to tactile property that Othello has stolen his daughter. He similarly announces Even now, an old discolour ram is top-hole your white ewe, by utilise this sort of annalistic and graphic imagery, he is assay to arouse Abrogation anger at Othello, so that Abrogation destroys Othello quicker.This is an advantage to Ago as he can seek revenge on someone he hates indirectly and in such a clever way that it doesnt even me equivalent he was involved in the action at all. Shakespeare specifically chose the animal, ram to reveal the moor and connote that he is demonic and devilish and a ewe to suggest she is pure. Being a have can similarly emphasis that Desman is still her fathers baby, which will draw in Abrogation feel fellow and pity. Ago uses the present tense Even now, genuinely now to inflame Abrogations patience so he takes action as in brief as p ossible.Additionally, Ago cleverly included his skin color relentless to provoke Abrogation as this will array the contrast in color between Othello ND Desman During the Jacobean times, inter-racial relationships would be considered as shameful and for a Senators daughter to take such a shocking action, meant that he would put down his reputation Through Sagos soliloquy the dramatist anticipates his increasingly evil plans in this scene (act 1, scene 3) Ago suggests various motives for his plotting. The dramatic twirl of the soliloquy gives us, the speakers perspective and posits us, in part, his accomplices.He suggests that he is envious of Cassia and states if this scant(p) trash of Venice, whom I rope for his haunting al have our Michael Cassia on the hip. Ago uses a series of haunting metaphors. falderol was a verb kernel to restrain hounds while hunting and a leash is use to restrain dogs. in like manner on the hip was a wrestle term. This shows Sagos language is agg ressive and predatory and can suggest that jealousy can lead to aggression/violence. Ago also mistrustfuls that Othello has slept with Emilie twixt my sheets/he has done my chest.He bes to plot for his own amusement and calls it sport. However, he admits that he has no evidence l know fit be true, yet he acts in mere suspicion. Sagos unsubstantiated claims suggest that sexual jealousy is just an excuse to cause anxiety between Othello and Desman. This demonstrates Ago is adroit at thinking on his feet, by showing that Ago is functional out his devious plan while he speaks he uses phrases like let me see now and how? How? Lets see. This hints his ability to take advantage of situations and improvise.The play right uses rhetorical questions to make it effective. Driven by Sagos over effecting craving for evil, the lack of his intelligence and the ability to trick mickle is another compress for his manipulation. Shakespeare resents Ago as a persuasive figure as he has the talen t to make other characters covert over his trust. This means he is able to utilize muckle to for his own agenda and use it as a tool for his aspirations. Roding was one of the easy target for Ago to take advantage of, by convincing him that his money (along with Sagos love) can buy Desman, a woman who cannot be bought.In Sagos soliloquy he declares Thus do I ever make my fool my purse. The ensign shows that he is accomplished at using Rodings foolishness and weaknesses to fraud money and jewels, making himself a substantial profit, while using IM to attain his other goals too. This shows the society during the Jacobean times was genuinely easy to fool and would trust anyone. Besides, Ago shows his lowly manner through his misogyny a general hatred of women. He suggests that most women are adulteresses- he says that theres many a beast then in a populous city since so many women make their husbands cuckolds.He also uses misogynistic terms such as wanton and TOUT to identify fa ithful Desman. Generally, in the 1 asss, manipulating a woman would be really easy, as it was their employment to obey the commands instructed by their men. Therefore Ago is also capable of taking advantage of his own married woman (Amelia), through her weakness. He does not give or show love to her in any way. This leaves Amelia desperate for his affection. He uses her as part of his mischievous plot to destroy Othello and orders her to betray Desman and steal her handkerchief. I nothing except to please his fancy Emilie doesnt question Ago about the handkerchief and does what she has been told. Even though shes trying to please him, he shows her little appreciation and snatches the handkerchief, telling Emilie leave me. This splays his unrighteousness mortalality. Additionally, the society during the Elizabethan time was patriarchal. Men was seen as knock-down(a) and manful to do as such sexism was a common issue meaning women had no rights or a chance to speak up on what they believed was right or wrong. The Jacobean audience would not see sexism as a scandal, as they believe it is culture.However, this could link to Roman Catholics not allowing women to speak in churches. On the other hand modern (21st Century) audiences would see this as discrimination and the gender should not stop you from speaking and talent your populous. Forbore, Sagos briny plot was to utilize Othello and his faithful relationship with Desman. It was easy for Ago to manipulate the Moor, as he knew his fear, such as being cuckolded and this would make him fragile. During these times a man who is being cheated on was outrageous and appalling.They would automatically lose their reputation and status Even now in the 21 SST coulomb people believe adultery is sickening. Ago uses relentless persuasive techniques to make Othello believe Desman is disloyal without any concrete proof. He uses leading questions such as Did Michael Cassia. Know your love? To imply that Othello should b e singular of Cassia and Desman. By involving Othello in his thought process, Ago makes it seem as if the idea of Adhesions infidelity has come from Othello himself. This indicates Sagos cunning characteristics.The denominations honest and honesty are used twenty times in this scene alone proves that it is a study theme in this scene. A key reason for Sagos success in manipulating Othello is that he is perceive as a man of exceeding honesty. It is humorous that Othello believes Ago is truthful when he accuses Desman if dishonesty. Othello words ND thoughts begin to mirror Sagos. For example, Othello adopts Sagos misogynistic views, referring to lewd minx and fair devil. Also His language becomes violent. Ill riptide her all to pieces and begins to curse O, damn her, damn her Which echoes Sagos coarse language and references to hell. At the end of Act 3, Scene 3, Othello kneels in front of Ago, demonstrating to the audience how powerful Ago has become. Ago then kneels down an d they pledge loyalty to each other in a parody of an Elizabethan wedding ceremony. This shows Ago can influence innocent people to think and act like him. Yet in Of Mice and Men, The character The Boss is a key villain he is describe as the short fat legged man. The word fat suggests that he is greedy and wealthy he only wants everything for himself.This also suggests that his power and reputation is the most important factor for him. To illustrate the power and authority to the audience Steinbeck cleverly did not follow the stomps name throughout the full novel. This further displays that the boss has high standards, thus the workers have no position to call him by his name. However, the characteristics of the boss implies to the traders that he does not believe in friendship or loyalty, the reason for this is the initial start of friendship begins with declaring of names.Moreover, the boss acts in this manner also ascribable to the fact that he is equivocal and worried that he might lose his position and reputation. As well as that, the society at the time was harsh and cruel that people were unable to trust one another. The boss is an authoritative figure who is really suspicious for example the book states Then why wont you let him answer, what you trying to put over this is when George answers all the questions for Leonie and the boss starts butting both of them. The boss is all the way the villain in Of Mice and Men.The reason for this is because he holds favorites, and does not treat everyone equally. For example he treats Crooks in an unjust manner just receivable to his race and color. This is clearly proven in the statement but I cant play because quicklime dim. They say I stink. This reveals that the bosss perception also affected the rank workers. Therefore, general this illustrates the boss is not a victim and merely a villain. Similarly, both of the antagonist Ago and The Boss have a high authority and is omnipotent.Shakespeare and Ste inbeck represents their authority in a clever way for example In Othello Ago starts and ends the first scene to indicate he is dominant . Whereas, in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck does not mention the bosss name throughout the entire novella to illustrate his power and command. Both characters uses their intelligence and importance as a tool to take in control of people. They have other characters happiness in their hands, which leaves them deciding how they are going to manipulate or humiliate them.In Othello Ago uses racial language such as The old scorch am and verbally abuses him and makes The moor seem like an outsider. Ago also describes Othello as a Barbara Horse creating an annalistic imagery. Likewise, The Boss also mistreats Crooks delinquent to his skin color he segregates him from the bunkhouse and gives him space in the barn. The Boss, categories Crooks with the animals giving him the same equality as a horse. This suggests they both are racist and vile. It also can imp ly they do not consider baleful people as human which arrays their villainous nature.Furthermore, Both narratives show clement male victims. In Othello the Arcadian players The moor as a protagonist and a hero in the play, he is a black soldier in a white society it would be rare for a man of race to have such a highly respected position in Venetian society. However, everyone recognizes that hes foreign and exotic. Therefore, Othello Is often described using racial language Roding and Ago calls him laborious moor, Barberry horse and an old black ram in the first scene before Othello appears.The word lavishes makes Othello seem savage. As well as this, by presenting bestial and annalistic images of Othello as a ram and bar berry horse sakes him seem criminal and inhuman. This shows Abrogation, Roding and Ago have all condemned him and they see him as an outsider due to his skin color. This informs the audience that Othello is clearly a victim of discrimination. The Moor is also referred to using images of hell and devil because the color black was linked to evil in Jacobean times. This refers the racist society during the 1 asss.In the 21st century the racial comments would be offensive and uncivil. Moreover, Othello is a victimized through Sagos poisoned words, his faithful relationship is sunk by a scandalous amour Desman is secretly seeing Cassia. The view of Othello as not easily jealous is supported and contradicted by the play. He doesnt given in jealousy immediately, and says Desman loves company defending her and demanding for ocular proof before he will believe her guilt. The military unit of his jealousy arises in part from the strength of love.He loves Desman not wisely, but too well when he begins to suspect she is unfaithful, this passion changes from love to jealousy. Ago plays with his insecurity and fears, which leaves Othello emotionally and physically mental, accept he had been cuckolded. Therefore, Othello loses control of his acti ons and speech. Paradoxically, he thinks that killing Desman is the only way to learn that their love survives and states l will keep thee/and love thee after. This suggests he always loved her and will love her. He commits suicide to penalise himself for his crime.Also as a tragic hero, he has no choice but to die no way but this. Besides, In Of Mice and Men Crooks is introduced to us in a very unique way. He is the only black person in the novella. Steinbeck describes all his belongings, creating a strong vivid picture in the readers head. Crooks the negro stable buck lives alone in a small secure room, he is not allowed to sleep in the bunkhouse, so instead he sleeps in the barn with the animals. This illustrates that he is getting the same equality as a horse is getting and being victimized like an animal, due to his color.He is someone who is abused very unfairly and unjustly. He has many things from a pair of rubber boots, a clock, and a shotgun he also has a dictionary, ma gazines, a few dirty books, and a pair of gold spectacles. The magazines, dictionary tells us that he is bookish and educated unlike the other men. The dirty books expresses that crooks looks at womans pictures because he cannot get a women in reality. Crooks characteristics is very down to earth, He thinks that everyone is the same. He acts like this because people treat him like a opening mat and hate on him because of his race.The society during the sasss was very racist and black people would be mistreat harshly. He is obviously a victim of prejudice because of his skin color which isolates him from the other men. smash you didnt have nobody. Expose you couldnt go into the bunk house . This demonstrates Hes bitter and lonely. Comparably, Othello and Crooks are the only black character in the both text. They are victimized racially and are diminished. During the sasss and sasss the society was chauvinist and prejudice, therefore it was not shocking or vile in these times.Howe ver, Shakespeare presents Othello as a hero in the play, whereas, in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck gives crooks a side role. The Moor has been manipulated by Ago without even realizing as he is perceived Ago as a man of exceeding honesty. Therefore, he is blind over his trust. This shows Othello naivety, but some audience may not feel reason or Othello because he easily suspected his wife unfaithful without any concrete proof. On the other hand, Crooks has been discriminated from other men, but he knows his equal rights and makes the audience feel sympathy for him saying Expose you dint have nobody.Expose you cuddy go into the bunk house . Crooks is very down to earth, he will not trust anyone and thinks everyone is the same due to his mistreatment. In addition, in cooperation text portray female victims. Desman is one of the main female characters in Othello she is described in military terms as a fair warrior which shows her strength of character. Desman is a white, upper class Venet ian and would have been accepted to wed someone of the same class and race, but she rejects the societys expectation and marries Othello instead.Her Father (Abrogation) misjudges and disowns her due to the reason he would loose his reputation. This implies Desman is not racist towards black people and proves she plays a victim. Throughout the play, shes a loyal wife and promises to herself she will be faithful to Othello as her mother was to Abrogation so much duty as my mother showed me. Yet Othello assumes his wife is disloyal and adulterous accept in Sagos dirty rumors. Ago uses her goodness for his own revenge.Desman reveals her naivety about marriage as she refuses to believe unfaithful wives exists l do not there is any such women. The idea of infidelity is unthinkable to her. This emphasizes her innocence. patronage her loyalty to her husband, Othello physically and verbally abuses her in public labeling her a trollop and a where. Desman becomes increasingly vulnerable to Othello anger. She seems to defend her husbands authority and blame herself for his outrage. Also excepting his previous abuse as she does not want to offend him We essential not now displease him.In the sixteenth century, women were expected to be seen but not heard, especially in their husbands presence. Moreover, she accepts wretched fortune in act 4, Scene 3 she seems to anticipate her death she sings a song which mirrors her life and is haunted by the thought that song tonight/will not go from my mind. This creates dramatic irony for the audience who know Othello plan, which is to executing his own wife. By the end of the play Othello tends to suffocate her until her heart rhythm method of birth control has topped. Desman is the real victim in this tragic play.Additionally, Steinbeck presents Curlers wife as an uncaring woman who is trapped in a marriage to Curler and is a possession according to him She is a victim because she does not have the exemption of doing what sh e always wanted, such as being an actress and being famous. She had big hopes and dreams but it all turned out to be the opposite because she married Curler. He treats her as his property, to show this to the readers, Steinbeck did not give her a name and labeled her Curlers wife which is also proposing she is just an object. In the 1 asss women were not equal with men, Women could not even get out of the house.It was a sexist society. Curler does not seem to give her much attention, this means she had no one to public lecture to, even if she wants to but cant talk to no body but Curler. Else he gets mad. This is what she says to Leonie. Meanwhile, she gets comfortable with Leonie and she tells him how Lonely she feels and the way people do not caution about her. For example .. Seems like they anti none of them cares how I tail end live Her speech is characterized by the collective pronoun they and the singular round l which further signifies how she is marginalia from the other men and she feels completely alone in life.Curlers wife is considered as a victim because towards the end the audience starts feeling sympathy for her and realizes that she is a warm hearted person. Straight after, she is mistakenly killed by Leonie. With in Curlers wifes death everything dies such as the Hopes, The American dream and it also ends the novella with the sunset dying. Furthermore, both characters have been utilized as objects they did not have the right to speak up but are there to only obey their husbands. Desman has been abused physically in public and is called a strumpet and a Severe even though she is a loyal wife.In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck did not give her a name and labeled her as Curlers wife which is proposing she is an object. Also, throughout, the novella she has been called a acid. Steinbeck cleverly hints Curlers wife gets abused by Curler as she wears a lot of makeup to cover her bruises. The society was patriarchy and sexist Women were mistreated lik e a discarded cloth. Moreover, both characters had problems in their marriage their husbands tend to care about the loss of heir reputation more than anything else. Ultimately, both texts teach us that the society is the true, silent villain.This is because Women were treated as objects- they were seen as items to use for the purpose, benefit and satisfaction of men. Although even now, in the millennium era, women are portrayed as objects through sexual exploitation therefore this highlights the fact that society as a leader, overdoses its generation with brain- tangling ideas to manipulate peoples thoughts and create stereotypes. another(prenominal) reason to clarify the society is the real scoundrel, s because black people were victimized and mistreated like animals, which is discriminatory and racism.The society is confused because Othello is a black man and he is considered as a white due to the reason he wins the war. This can suggest that the society believe black people are n ot capable of winning hinting they are weak. The characters in Of Mice and Men and Othello tend to care more about status and reputation than themselves. For example, Othello had killed his beloved wife and himself to escape from his reputation loss. Whereas, in Of Mice and Men Curler lies his hand got in the machine to save his reputation.
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