Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Pay
The purpose of the pay for performance or financial incentive program is to utilize its human resources to their maximum potential in all areas and in the process to become more competitive, profitable, and team-orientated organization in the market place. The essential goal and value of the pay for performance or financial incentive program is to make all employees entrepreneurs in their areas of expertise within the company. Pay for Performance is a highly debated compensation. The contra pay for performance view that incentive plans can simply not work. The Pro pay for performance side is the opinion that there are effective incentives that really do motivate. The whole debate arises because of the very fundamental assumption that there is a direct relationship between a company?s productivity and its employees? performance. Many managers believe that incentive pay drives creativity and productivity, and that people are primarily motivated by money, whereas the counter-argument finds evidence that pay for performance plans are not only difficult to design and implement, but can even de-motivate people. Human Resource Management has become a key strategic issue of attaining competitive advantage, especially as it ties in with motivating employees to excel in their jobs and to give their utmost to take care of their clients? needs. The plan or strategy of the pay for performance program is to improve the quality, desirability, and profit line of products through the following measures: ? Establish the needs and desires of customers and company stakeholders. Represent these in the departmental or individual performance goal outline. ? Make employees aware of the individual or departmental objectives based on customer desires and how each individual can achieve the overall objectives for mutual success. ? Train all employees on the pay for performance program and objectives so they can take engage and take ownersh... Free Essays on Pay Free Essays on Pay The purpose of the pay for performance or financial incentive program is to utilize its human resources to their maximum potential in all areas and in the process to become more competitive, profitable, and team-orientated organization in the market place. The essential goal and value of the pay for performance or financial incentive program is to make all employees entrepreneurs in their areas of expertise within the company. Pay for Performance is a highly debated compensation. The contra pay for performance view that incentive plans can simply not work. The Pro pay for performance side is the opinion that there are effective incentives that really do motivate. The whole debate arises because of the very fundamental assumption that there is a direct relationship between a company?s productivity and its employees? performance. Many managers believe that incentive pay drives creativity and productivity, and that people are primarily motivated by money, whereas the counter-argument finds evidence that pay for performance plans are not only difficult to design and implement, but can even de-motivate people. Human Resource Management has become a key strategic issue of attaining competitive advantage, especially as it ties in with motivating employees to excel in their jobs and to give their utmost to take care of their clients? needs. The plan or strategy of the pay for performance program is to improve the quality, desirability, and profit line of products through the following measures: ? Establish the needs and desires of customers and company stakeholders. Represent these in the departmental or individual performance goal outline. ? Make employees aware of the individual or departmental objectives based on customer desires and how each individual can achieve the overall objectives for mutual success. ? Train all employees on the pay for performance program and objectives so they can take engage and take ownersh...
Friday, November 22, 2019
13 Quotes to Share with Your Dad This Fathers Day
13 Quotes to Share with Your Dad This Fathers Day Good fathers are difficult to find. If you have a gem of a father and you wish to make him feel special, here is your chance. Wish him a very happy fathers day with some brilliant fathers day quotes. If you have shied away from expressing your warm feelings to your father, dont lose this opportunity. These charming fathers day quotes can awaken and rebuild long-lost relationships. Erika Cosby You know... fathers just have a way of putting everything together. Clarence Budington Kelland He didnt tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. Gabriel Garcia Marquez A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father. Lord Chesterfield As fathers commonly go, it is seldom a misfortune to be fatherless; and considering the general run of sons, as seldom a misfortune to be childless. National Urban League Slogan Dont make a baby if you cant be a father. Aldous Huxley Sons have always a rebellious wish to be disillusioned by that which charmed their fathers. Helen Rowland A mans desire for a son is usually nothing but the wish to duplicate himself in order that such a remarkable pattern may not be lost to the world. Austin OMalley The worst misfortune that can happen to an ordinary man is to have an extraordinary father. Confucius The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty with the son who neglects them. William Penn He who is taught to live upon little owes more to his fathers wisdom than he who has a great deal left him does to his fathers care. Charles Wadworth By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks hes wrong. Anonymous Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys. Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later... that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Human Resources Summaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human Resources Summaries - Essay Example Due to shortage, workers were brought in busses from Lafayette, Louisiana, 70 miles away, each morning and returned them at night. Managers were working overtime to train new workers. Even months after Hurricane Rita struck, large and small business was frantically trying to find workers so that they could start up again. Almost every business in the town had a ‘Help wanted sign out front. One can get the job easily and could command a premium salary. There was a huge shortage of workers in the local area. Restaurants that normally open late into the evening closed at 6.00 PM. Restaurants that remained open often had a much younger staff, and the managers and assistant managers were working overtime to train these new workers. Hurricane Rita is a typical in a disaster. It virtually destroys the normal life of the area. After Rita struck Lake Charles, in southwest Louisiana, massive destruction was everywhere. Lake Charles, known for its large and beautiful oak and fine trees, then had the job of removing those downed trees. The town grew rapidly in size because of the large number of debris and repair crews working on recovery operations. Traffic was unbelievably slow. Often police did not have the resources to ticket every fender, so unless there were injuries, insurance cards were exchanged and the police went on to the next accident. The whole situation reflects the gravity of the disaster. International Forest Products Company (IFP) is the largest employer in Ouachita County, Arkansas, and is an important part of the local economy. As a cost-cutting move, company decided to cut the workforce by 30 percent, and the responsibility of submitting the suggested plan was entrusted on Scott Wheeler, the human resource director by Janet Deason, president of the company. It was difficult task. Aside from the influence on the individual workers who were laid off, cutbacks would further depress the areas economy. But, company had no choice but
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Teaching Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Teaching - Personal Statement Example This cooperation occurs between students and their peers as well as students and teachers. Social literacy is supported for example, where there is opportunity to work in groups, discuss issues, and contribution to class works. Appeal to the interest of children: this principle supports science literacy since it is based on a curriculum that responds directly to the interest of children. This provides opportunities for knowledge construction. The tenet also allows a constructivist teacher to recognize and stimulate the interest of children. This will support science literacy when for example, the teacher observes what children do, solicit the ideas of children, and propose activities that entice children. Teaching in terms of the type of involved knowledge: this tenet defines the kinds of knowledge helpful to constructivist teachers. Physical knowledge, conventional or social knowledge, and logico-mathematical knowledge may be used among children. This supports science literacy in that varying strategies are used for different types of knowledge. For example, with conventional knowledge, children are shown and told the information via direct instruction, in physical knowledge, the children are assisted in getting chances to act on things and their reactions noted while a teacher provides experiences in logico-mathematical knowledge through which student reorganize their own knowledge. Choosing content challenging children: this principle creates a culture of inquiry and develop teaching curriculum based on ideas which allow a very in-depth study. It supports science of literacy through providing activities appropriate for wide development levels. For example, it analyzes activities in terms of relationships and regularities. Promote reasoning among children: this principle supports science literacy because it encourages
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Theories in Media and Society Essay Example for Free
Theories in Media and Society Essay According to National academy of sciences (1999) a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation. In this light one gets to discuss the Structural functionalist theory and the Conflict Theory which are both theoretical perspectives found in the Media and Society. (a)(i) First and foremost, the Structural functionalist theory is amongst the theories found on the aspect of organization of society. This theory can also be referred to as Structural Functionalism, and it has the following assumptions. To begin with, the Structural Functionalist theory postulates or suggests that society is a complex system whose various parts (structures) work together to produce stability and solidarity. These structures are a part of society because of their functionality in ensuring stability and solidarity. In other words, without their functionality in ensuring these two aspects mentioned prior, these structures would not be part of society. To add on, Durkheim and Comte suggest that these parts of the society work together like the parts of a body for the benefit of society. In other words, one can say that these parts are inter-dependent, that is, they rely on each other to fully serve their purpose. It is important for one to also note that this theory has two functionalities, and these are Manifest Functions and Latent Functions. In this aspect, Manifest functions in this case are those objective consequences contributing to the adjustment or adaptation of the system which are in tended and recognized by participants in the system. Examples include education, moral guidance, law and order maintenance. On the other hand, Latent functions are those functions that are neither intended nor recognized. In other words, they are somewhat less important as compared to Manifest Functions. Furthermore, organization of society theoretical perspectives also include the Conflict Theory. It has the following assumptions: The Conflict Theory suggests that society is made up of groups that are competing for scarce resources. In other words, this theory states that society is divided or disintegrated into various groups that scramble, if not fight for, these resources in order to survive be it socially, economically or politically. To add on, the conflict theory also suggests that power and inequality are the main characteristics of society and social groups are involved in power struggle (Karl Max). One can simply say that this means that the system called Society is patterned with power dynamics, and in those power dynamics are power struggles. Furthermore, this theory also states that this power struggle mentioned above, is a struggle for dominance amongst classes, genders, races, religions to mention but just a few. This simply means that in the entirety of society, there is the aspect of â€Å"survival of the fittest†in which the dominant ones survive and rule over the defeated or over the weak. In addition, the conflict theory also assumes that there is social domination of subordinate groups through the power coercion of dominant groups. Furthermore, this theory also assumes that the dominant groups create rules for success and opportunity in society and they monopolize control, power, privilege and authority. In addition to the above mentioned, the conflict theory also assumes that the primary cause of social problems is the exploitation and oppression of subordinate groups by the dominant. A typical example is the conflict within the Ndebele State. It has 3 states, namely the Enhla, Ezansi and the Hole. The original Ndebele people were found in the upper class and they exploited some classes like the Hole for example and this led to a lot of conflict within the Ndebele society. Hence, it is typical for exploitation and oppression of subordinates to be the primary cause of social problems. One can say that these theories are valid in explaining the existence of, and the relationships between individuals and groups in society to a larger extent. To begin with, the assumptions of the structural functionalist theory are valid to a larger extent. The assumption that society is a complex system whose various parts (structures) work together to produce stability and solidarity is valid because it shows us that society has relationships, and that in their relationships, they have a goal which is to produce solidarity and stability. For example, the Zimbabwean society, the government in particular, always stresses on the need for the Zimbabwean society to be stable in terms its economy, and that it should maintain and promote solidarity. These two aspects are usually mentioned by the President of Zimbabwe R. G. Mugabe. To add on, one can say that the assumptions of the structural functionalistic theory are valid in explaining the existence of, and the relationships between individuals and groups in society. For example the one that states that society is made up of parts which work together like the parts of the body is a very practical assumption about society’s relationships. One can argue that in society there are groups of people, for example workers, students, civil servants, aristocrats and so forth. One can give an illustration by referring to the Great Zimbabwe State that once existed in Zimbabwe. Miners could not survive alone because they depended on blacksmiths to make them tools for digging and excavating. Thus this simply shows that indeed society’s groups which are seen as parts in this theory, are inter-dependent on each other hence this theory is valid if not actually practical. Furthermore, these two theories are valid because they show us the existence of conflict within the society. The conflict theory states that society is made up of groups that compete for resources and this is very true and practical. A situation like this happened in Zimbabwe during the colonial era whereby whites were exploiting the resources available in Zimbabwe which eventually led to the Chimurenga war. The relationship between these two races was very hostile and sour because of the competition for these scarce resources. This war took place because there was intense competition for resources in the country and as such, this war was to settle the fight. Thus in essence, these theories are quite valid in explaining the existence of relationships in society. Society is made of classes that compete for scarce resources and this is best illustrated in the conflict theory. It states that in society, dominant classes oppress and exploit the lower classes which eventually leads to conflict. An example is the Apartheid Era in South Africa. The Boers were oppressing and exploiting the blacks and their resources. The blacks advocated for equality, through their icon Nelson Mandela. This sour between the blacks and the whites led to a serious conflict which was catalyzed by the competition for resources. Hence one can argue that these theories explain the existence of, and the relationships between individuals and groups in society to a larger extent. In addition, these theories are valid in explaining the relationships that exist in society to a larger extent. They enable one to fully understand the fact that conflict is part and parcel of society and that it is sometimes needed in order for development to occur. To add on, these theories also enhance one’s understanding of how society is divided and structured. It shows that society has groups and individuals who live together in relationships, and that in these relationships, they serve to achieve certain goals and objectives like solidarity for example. In a nutshell, the conflict and the social functionalist theory are theories that are very much socialistic and they help one to get the concept of how society is organized, how the members of society relate to each other in achieving their goals and also that conflict exists in society. These theories are somewhat a blue print of how society is organized and how its members are inter-dependent on each other to survive.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essays --
How Has Border Control Changed Since 9/11? By: Joey Zannotti Border patrol has changed since 9/11 by different ways such as More Agents, More Agencies, More Security Checks, and newer more advanced walls, and many more. I. The Numbers The number of Illegal Immigrants that enter the U.S and are living in the U.S illegally is around ten million people. The area that has the most Illegal Immigrants that come from there country to the U.S is Mexico with around five point nine million Illegal Immigrants that entered into the U.S illegally. Around four point five Illegal Immigrants come from other Latin American countries that come to the U.S Illegally. Around one thousand four hundred Immigrants enter the U.S Illegally every single week. The four states with the most Illegal Immigrant living in them are California, Texas, Arizona, and Florida. There are around one point two million temporary legal citizens living in the U.S. In nineteen ninety there were four hundred thousand Illegal Immigrants living in the U.S. In two thousand and four there were around three point nine Illegal Immigrants that were living in the U.S. There are around two point five refugee arrivals. There is about twenty one point seven legal arrivals that come to the U.S. Also there are around ten point three undocumented Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. The number of Illegal Immigrants in nine eleven was way lower than what the number is now its increased by about seven million people. The number of Border Patrol agencies and agents has increased. (which is a good thing.) The amount of Border Patrol agents during 9/11 was around nine thousand one hundred men and women and now there is about seventeen thousand seven hundred men and wo... ...s and all of the U.S’s citizens. Without the border patrol agencies, there would be chaos everyone would be an illegal citizen, and there would be a very high amount of people living in the U.S, and the population would have an effect on the amount of jobs there are for citizens and there would be a major amount of homeless people, and a lot of people who have lost their jobs because there are no jobs for everyone, because the population is so high and it would be a war on jobs. Bibliography (book) â€Å"The Closing of the American Border†By Edward Alden (book) â€Å"Immigration Wars†By Jeb Bush, and Clint Bolick. (book) â€Å"Websters Fourth Edition Dictionary†(book) â€Å"Websters Standard Thesaurus†(book) â€Å"Webster’s Encyclopedia†(website) www.ImmigrationPolicy.org (website) www.DHS.gov/security-and-managing-our-borders (website) www.webpages.UIdaho.edu/illegal-immigration Essays -- How Has Border Control Changed Since 9/11? By: Joey Zannotti Border patrol has changed since 9/11 by different ways such as More Agents, More Agencies, More Security Checks, and newer more advanced walls, and many more. I. The Numbers The number of Illegal Immigrants that enter the U.S and are living in the U.S illegally is around ten million people. The area that has the most Illegal Immigrants that come from there country to the U.S is Mexico with around five point nine million Illegal Immigrants that entered into the U.S illegally. Around four point five Illegal Immigrants come from other Latin American countries that come to the U.S Illegally. Around one thousand four hundred Immigrants enter the U.S Illegally every single week. The four states with the most Illegal Immigrant living in them are California, Texas, Arizona, and Florida. There are around one point two million temporary legal citizens living in the U.S. In nineteen ninety there were four hundred thousand Illegal Immigrants living in the U.S. In two thousand and four there were around three point nine Illegal Immigrants that were living in the U.S. There are around two point five refugee arrivals. There is about twenty one point seven legal arrivals that come to the U.S. Also there are around ten point three undocumented Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. The number of Illegal Immigrants in nine eleven was way lower than what the number is now its increased by about seven million people. The number of Border Patrol agencies and agents has increased. (which is a good thing.) The amount of Border Patrol agents during 9/11 was around nine thousand one hundred men and women and now there is about seventeen thousand seven hundred men and wo... ...s and all of the U.S’s citizens. Without the border patrol agencies, there would be chaos everyone would be an illegal citizen, and there would be a very high amount of people living in the U.S, and the population would have an effect on the amount of jobs there are for citizens and there would be a major amount of homeless people, and a lot of people who have lost their jobs because there are no jobs for everyone, because the population is so high and it would be a war on jobs. Bibliography (book) â€Å"The Closing of the American Border†By Edward Alden (book) â€Å"Immigration Wars†By Jeb Bush, and Clint Bolick. (book) â€Å"Websters Fourth Edition Dictionary†(book) â€Å"Websters Standard Thesaurus†(book) â€Å"Webster’s Encyclopedia†(website) www.ImmigrationPolicy.org (website) www.DHS.gov/security-and-managing-our-borders (website) www.webpages.UIdaho.edu/illegal-immigration
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Managerial Concepts Used in Ocean’s Eleven
Shawn Lienemann Management 301 Test #1 Ocean’s Eleven In Ocean’s Eleven, there are many management techniques throughout the entire movie, during which they rob $160 million dollars from three casinos in Las Vegas. If you look at the movie in general, this is a great movie to choose and reflect on management concepts because there is a wide-range of concepts used in the movie. Some of the management concepts that I found in the movie were strategic thinking, personality, task groups, group development, risk, creativity and innovation, Type A & B personalities, organizational change, decision implementation, and expectancy theory.Chapter 4 Module 1 1. Strategic thinking is the process to create a vision and blueprint for that vision, creative thinking includes being creative, disruptive, and future focused. The scene from the movie that demonstrates strategic thinking is after Danny beats Rusty and other people in poker, Danny and Rusty go out for what appears to be a cu p of coffee. This scene is when Danny reveals what he wants to rob and is telling Rusty about it. The very next scene you see Rusty and Danny looking at a blueprint of the vault for the Bellagio.At this is the point when strategic thinking begins to kick in. As they are looking and studying the vault, Rusty says, this is quite possibly the least accessible vault in the world. But in his head he is beginning to create a vision on how they would even imagine pulling this off. Strategic thinking comes before strategic planning. Strategic planning is implementing a vision and the details of getting from point A to point B for the vision, but during this scene they haven’t started planning yet, just thinking of what it is going to take to pull off this heist.Rusty then starts naming off people that they would need to start pulling on these cons. At this point they start developing a vision of how this heist is going to be pulled off, but first they need to go talk to Rueben, one b ecause he has money, and second, because he knows more about casino security than anybody they know. Strategic planning and thinking can easily get confused, but to dumb it down and explain it the easiest, thinking is a broad idea of how and who will be used in a vision before you start planning and working out the details needed to carry out that vision. Chapter 9 Module 3 2.Group development is a process that consists of five separate stages; forming, storming, norming, performing and finally adjourning. All five of these stages have a particular scene during the movie that demonstrates what occurs in that stage. The first stage, forming, is the development in which people join the group and define the group’s purpose, structure, and leadership. All this occurs during the recruitment process by Danny and Rusty, they bring in and recruit all the member’s and while during so the purpose and structure are passed onto them. The second stage, storming, is characterized by intragroup conflict.This occurs when Danny and Rusty bring all the members to Rueben’s home and bring them all inside. Danny starts explaining what they must do to get into the vault, and minor conflict arises when a few of the members, like Yen and Saul start to ask questions about the job at hand, and question the possibility of them being able to do it. The third stage, norming, is characterized by close relationships and cohesiveness. I think this occurs before all the members go into the house in the prior example. They are standing outside socializing while having a few drinks and the members start talking and getting to know each other.The fourth stage, performing, is when the group is fully functional and works on the group task. This occurs immediately after Danny explains the plan to them and they start performing by doing surveillance on the casinos. Basher does his duty and begins to check how he can cut the power and the plan is put into action. The final stage, adjourning, is during which the groups prepares to disband. This happens after they successful rob the casino and all the members are standing at the fountain and slowly each member leaves. Group development is something every group is going to go through.You may not be sitting there and thinking to yourself that now you’re going through the storming phase, but for a successful group to get together and perform a task you will go through all of these stages inevitably, and subconsciously without even realizing it. Each stage must be completed before the next is started. If you gather a group of people together and right when they show up you tell them to make my house look better. It wouldn’t work. They couldn’t go straight from the forming stage, to the performing stage. There would be necessary steps between that for it to be a successful task.They would most likely look the house over and start making suggestions on how to make it look better and define role ’s or tasks to each person (storming). And as they come to an agreement on what needs to be done (norming), they can start fixing up the house. (performing). Chapter 8 Module 2 3. Personality is a unique combination of emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns that affect how a person reacts to situations and interacts with others. In the movie, every person has a distinct personality but the part that I like the most is when Linus and Saul have to take on or fake, a certain personality to do their job.Saul pretended to be a wealthy foreigner who was staying at the hotel Benedict owned. He acted in a way that he had something very valuable to him that he needed to be put into the vault. Linus took on the character and personality of a Nevada Gaming Commission agent. Both Linus and Saul had to play a different character in the movie than what they actually were. When you act or â€Å"pretend†you have to change your personality to one that would match the character yo u are trying to be.Saul comes off as a calm, confident, and wise old man from another country and if he had taken a different personality Benedict may not have trusted him and put this case into the vault. Linus on the other hand, came off as someone that was simply trying to do his job. When him, Benedict and Frank were in a conference room, Linus interacted with Frank and Benedict as if he really was a real NGC agent, and if you had failed to fulfill the personality change, the plan would have failed because he wouldn’t have been able to get access to the elevator shaft.Chapter 7 Module 5 4. Organizational change is any altercation of an organization’s people, structure, or technology. This movie provides to two great examples of organizational change. The first example is a people and structure change; Rusty, Linus and Danny leave the elevator and are welcomed by Livingston saying â€Å"We got a problem†. This is something that if you ever hear, they is most likely going to be some sort of change. The group learns that Danny has been red flagged by the casino and will be watching him like a hawk.A people change is made, and Linus is nominated to being the person that needs to activate the vault. Danny can no longer be a part of the plan because of his liability now of getting everyone caught, and Rusty removes Danny from the group leader position and takes his place. People are usually very resistant to change because of the fear of the unknown and uncertainty that may result from the change. In this case, Linus is very nervous and anxiety ridden because of the new role and responsibility being promoted into. Rusty uses a facilitation and support technique to help reduce Linus’ fear.He lectures Linus on how to act, stand, and calls out his weaknesses, and told Linus of the adjustments that he needed to make before he would be able to do the job. Rusty was very supportive of Linus and believed in him, but he needed Linus to believ e in himself. The only major disadvantage to this change was that the guarantee of success had lowered, because now a less experienced person was now doing an important job. Turns out Linus does a successful job and everything goes as planned. The second example of organizational change occurs when all the members are watching a trial run of the safe infiltration.Rusty barges in and is obviously in a panic and starts speaking jargon, which no one can understand what he is trying to say. He then explains to the group that their plan is going to have to change because the power grid workers found the weakness to the electrical system and were in the process of fixing it, so that plan was no longer an option. And for the overall plan to work, they needed to shut down all the power to the casinos for a short period of time. This results in a structure change because the original plan that was completely laid out had to change.Rusty is able to come up with an alternative solution, which involved a technology change as well. Something I will touch more on later in another concept. Chapter 7 Module 5 5. Creativity is the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas. Innovation is the process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful product, service or method of operation. These two concepts complement each other, and it is hard to define and explain one without using the other. There are two parts in this movie that I can give examples of these concepts.The first is when Basher first discovers that the casinos are working to fix the weakness in the power grid. And he has to come up with an alternative idea to take out the power in the casino. The second part is the process of getting a person inside the vault undetected. Cutting the power was essential and had to be done for the plan to be a success, and Basher thought they were going to have to cancel the job. But Basher knew of another way that could be used t o cut the power to the casino, and actually to the entire city. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) was the only other option to cut the power.So the crew had to steal the â€Å"pinch†in order to fulfill the process of cutting the power. They used innovation to take Basher’s creative idea of using an EMP as an alternative to the power outage and implemented it into their operation. The process of getting into the vault was a rather lengthy one, possibly the hardest part sneaking Yen into the vault unnoticed. They took the facts they knew about the vault and used it to their advantage. From surveillance they knew that Benedict’s money was stored in the vault and understood the process by which the money was handled to get into the vault.The Ocean’s crew came up with the creative idea of sneaking Yen into the vault by concealing him inside of a container that appeared to be holding money; They used a container that looked identical to the rest inside the vault so it did not look suspicious. Since they knew the process by which the guards handled and placed money into the vault they used a creative idea of the Malloy brothers faking that they had forgot their card, and told the guard it was Benedict’s money and needed to go to the vault.The guard took it to the vault immediately because he knew that Benedict’s money was placed there. Chapter 9 Module 3 6. A task group is a group of individuals brought together to complete a specific job task; their existence is often temporary because when the task is completed, the group disbands. There isn’t one particular scene or part of this movie that describes this concept besides the definition itself. The best way to describe it is by breaking the definition down into three parts and giving the examples from the movie.Danny and Rusty recruited all the individuals they needed and brought them together to work as a team, their job was to help them rob the casino, which was the s pecific task. And finally, the job was only temporary and they disbanded at the end of the movie when the entire crew was standing and staring at the fountain. The reflection and application of this concept is pretty simple and explains itself, but in reality the movie doesn’t define what it is in any better way. Their mere purpose for being there was to get the job done, and they all get paid.There were no talks about doing another job or seeing each other after the job, it was a pure task group. Another important key to this concept is bringing INDIVIDUALS together, not bringing groups of people together to complete a task. The first thing that came to mind when I read this term, was that it was like a contracting job, when building a house. Yes you may be able to build a house with one group of people. In my eyes I see it that you would bring in a landscaper for the foundation and digging of basement, a framer to build the house and do the framing, a plumbing for the plumb ing, and electrician for all the wiring, etc.You bring in an individual with a specific skill to fulfill his job duties and when the entire group of individuals do and finish their job, you have a house. This is a pretty vague example and may not be entirely realistic because usually in some cases you bring in a group of people for one job on the house, but I think you get my point. In this movie they do the same thing. Danny and Rusty pick individuals based on their skill sets and expertise in a given field. And all the individuals bring a skill and contribute to the specific task of robbing Mr. Benedict, and as a task group, are successful in doing so.Chapter 3 Module 4 7. Decision Implementation is putting a decision/plan into action; this includes conveying the decision to the people who will be affected by it and getting their full commitment to the decision and plan. An example of decision implementation is when the whole team first gets together over at Rueben’s house. All the members are standing around the pool and Mr. Ocean comes out and welcomes everyone and states that this job is both â€Å"highly lucrative and highly dangerous†, and if that is something they don’t want to be a part of they can leave now, and no hard feelings with be taken.Everyone decides that they want to be involved with this job and Mr. Ocean takes them inside and starts to describe the plan to the other members. This is decision implementation because Mr. Ocean explains to all of the members that this job will be very dangerous and he wants their full commitment to him and his plan. After this scene, their plan is put into action. They start by doing reconnaissance on all the casinos. Mr. Ocean wants to know everything about the casinos. He wants to know every cart route, learn everything about all the guards, workers, and dealers.He wants to know where they are from, their nicknames and even what they put into their coffee. Every member is put in differe nt positions around the casinos and the reconnaissance phase begins. All this begins with the decision implementation and getting all the members to commit to the plan and then they put their plan into action by doing their reconnaissance inside of the casinos. Chapter 3 Module 4 8. Risk is a situation in which a decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes. The job they are planning on doing is an extremely risky job.The likelihood of them stealing the money is relatively low because of the level of security and risk involved. After Danny and Rusty begin to create a vision of how they want to rob the casinos. They first consult with Rueben who is a wealthy man and also very knowledgeable about casino security. In this scene, the first line to come out of Rueben’s mouth is â€Å"Are you out of your god damn minds? Are you listening to me? Your both nuts†. Ruben proceeds to tell them, it is impossible to rob a casino because, they have guards, c ameras, watches, locks, and vaults.He then tells them three examples of people who tried to rob a bank, none of which were successful and only one was even able to make it out of a casino. This whole movie is based on risk, in every scene or every part of the plan you can see and estimate the risk involved. But this scene is where the whole plan in general is viewed to be very risky, and Rueben lays it on the line to Dusty and Danny by pretty much telling them it is impossible to do. A risk is a probability that a negative occurrence will happen to you and you have to suffer from the consequences.Ultimately in this movie, the risk is extremely high with the consequences involved. Robbing a casino means jail time, and I’m no lawyer or anything but I would probably guess 5+ years. Another reason this scene is a good example of risk is not because it is a â€Å"risky†scene, but because Danny and Dusty want to minimize their risk in this job as much as possible. In this c onversation with Rueben you can tell that he knows a lot about casino security. His knowledge is valuable and Dusty and Danny know they may not be able to pull it off without Rueben, so they recruit him.Chapter 7 Module 5 9. Type A personalities are people who have a chronic sense of urgency and an excessive competitive drive. Type B personalities are people who are relaxed, easygoing and accept change easily. There are 3 characters in this movie that portray the differences in personalities perfectly. The Malloy brothers, Virgil and Turk, have a type A personality. Early on when they are recruiting for the team, there is a scene where the brothers are racing against each other, one with a remote control car, and the other in a real car, and they are constantly yelling at each other.Later during reconnaissance there is a scene where the two of them are doing surveillance in the casino and they start arguing over whose watch is correct, and they were only two minutes off. Rusty on th e other hand has a type B personality. He portrays this personality throughout the entire movie and to use a different example than from anything else I have used so far; Linus and Rusty during reconnaissance are trying to figure out Terry’s schedule. Linus mentions that everyday about this time a woman comes walking down the stairs.When the woman comes walking down, Rusty immediately knows who is it, and tells Linus her name is, Tess, Danny’s ex-wife. He remains calm in this situation knowing that Tess being involved now changes the situation. These are examples of both the type A and type B personalities. For the Malloy brothers, it is in their nature to excessively compete with one another, they are constantly bickering at one another and strive to prove the other one wrong no matter the costs. Virgil was willing to drive and smash his brother’s remote control car just so he could win. Rusty is the exact opposite of the Malloy brothers.He always remains calm and relaxed even when something goes wrong with their plan, or there needs to be a change. It is in his personality to accept the change of events and react to the change rather than to resist or reject it. When he discovers Tess is the girl seeing Terry, he knows what is going on, and he remains relaxed and calm when he tells Danny that he can no longer be a part of this project. One further comment I would like to add to this concept is that I don’t believe that just because a person may have a type A personality doesn’t mean that is dominant personality.I’m saying this based on the Malloy brothers, they are a type A personality in the film toward one another; I would define myself as a type B personality, BUT the moment you put me and my younger brother together, I would shift more to a competitive and urgent type A personality. Only because he’s my brother, it’s in our nature to be competitive with one another, just like the Malloy brothers are to each other. I still would have the type B personality as my dominant one, but that could change if I was around either of my brothers.And that is why I feel that the Malloy brothers have a type A personality, because they are BROTHERS, I have done the exact same thing they did in this movie with my own brother Jared. We had a pointless excessive argument on whose phone had the correct time. I have Sprint and he has Verizon, anytime I talk to my brother and we arrange a time to meet somewhere, I’ll say â€Å"Meet me at 5:15 sprint time â€Å". This is only something I would argue over with my brother, no one else. So I feel that a person could change their personality type depending on the people they are around.Chapter 10 Module 4 10. Expectancy Theory says that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. Benedict and Tess are leaving the b oxing match when a phone rings from Tess’s pocket. She answers the phone and Rusty is on the other side, and asked to talk to Benedict. Rusty tells Benedict that he is being robbed, and wants to make a deal on getting the money out of the hotel.Benedict immediately goes to the camera room to see what is going on. Rusty tells Benedict that both stashes are rigged with explosives and tells Benedict to carry half the bags out to an unmarked van out front. Benedict follows Rusty’s commands and puts half of the money in the van. Benedict then calls the cops, and the SWAT team arrives and Benedict hopes to reclaim his stash of money in the vault and also in the van. As we both know, this does not go how Benedict foresaw it going and he loses all $160 million.This is an example of expectancy theory because the Ocean’s Eleven crew expected that once Benedict knew he was getting robbed, he would call the cops. The crew’s act was robbing Benedict and the given outc ome would be Benedict calling the cops and ultimately the outcome of them stealing all is his money. There were three major things that had to go right before this outcome would play out, first the phone placed in Tess’s wallet had to be answered by someone, second, Benedict had to believe that the â€Å"false vault robbery†was real and true, and finally that he would call the cops when given the opportunity.If any one of these three steps would not have gone as planned, the whole job could have been a failure. But that is what expectancy theory is about, they looked at the situation and planned it out exactly how they thought Benedict would act in that situation. Finally, the money was the attractive outcome for the Ocean crew; they simply planned the entire job based on what they â€Å"expected†Benedict’s reactions would be.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Causes of Unemployement
Causes of unemployment According to a number of economists the rate of unemployment in the united States has not declined now for some time. It is believed that this is due to a lack of education and skills that those who are seeking work have, as the numerous jobs and careers that have been created since our economic shift are specialty Jobs, which require technical training and certifications to be considered as a candidate. So our current situation may seem to be the same problem as before, but It Is not due to lack of Jobs presented In the Job market, Just rather suitable positions for those homo are seeking work.As much as the rapid development of the modem technology and requirement of the new skills, which disqualify more people than ever before, the gap between the Job vacancies and people who are actively seeking Jobs Is becoming larger and continues to expand. It Is not entirely due to the mismatching of the Job requirement and candidate's lack of educations or skills: It I s primarily due to the companies and firms reducing their demand for resources, especially labor. According to Anthony Calaboose's article, if every one of the public ND private sector job openings were filled by tomorrow, there would still be nearly 1 1. Million people out of work. However, before the recession the gap was much lower, coming in under a million. If it were Just structural unemployment, the gap would not be this large and the companies would eventually fill the positions; however, it takes longer time to match the perfect candidate. Whereas, the unemployment rate keeps increasing and has yet to go down since the recession, it only makes sense that the cyclical unemployment has taken place in the job market.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on “The Reign Of The Emperor Neroâ€Â
Nero, the fifth emperor of Rome, was originally named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, but his name was changed to Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar on February 25, 49 (Krasavin). He was connected by blood to the second Caesar, Augustus, through his father (Griffin 20). Nero was thought to be a born emperor; he addressed the Senate in Greek and had all of his petitions granted by the young age of fifteen (Krasavin). Nero was of average height, had blemish-covered skin, and suffered from body odor. He had auburn-colored hair styled in ringlets. He had gray-blue eyes, a thick next, spindly legs, and was overweight (Lissner 126). Nero was not a proficient speaker, and it is believed that his tutor Seneca, who was a great influence in the shaping of his character, wrote most of his speeches (Lissner 111, Krasavin). Nero studied almost all of the â€Å"liberal disciplines,†but his mother Agrippina believed that philosophy was an unsuitable subject for an emperor to study (Krasavin). Nero had a stepbrother named Britannicus, Claudius’s natural son, but Nero was declared the royal heir early on. In 53, Nero married Octavia, his half-sister (Griffin 29-30). Nero’s ultimate succession to the throne was due to his mother, who had considerable power and influence in Roman politics. Many believe that Agrippina brewed the poison that killed Claudius so her son could take over the throne. On October 13, 54, Nero was officially proclaimed empersor of the Holy Roman Empire (Krasavin). When he ascended to the throne, Nero claimed that he had no enemies and that he was taking the throne free from any desire for revenge. He wanted to get rid of favoritism, lobbying for appointments, and corruption. He promised to reform the courts, give the Senate every freedom, and not declare war (Lissner 112). However, Nero’s mother was very power-hungry. When Nero fell in love with a slave girl named Acte, Agrippina realized that she was losing her ... Free Essays on â€Å"The Reign Of The Emperor Nero†Free Essays on â€Å"The Reign Of The Emperor Nero†Nero, the fifth emperor of Rome, was originally named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, but his name was changed to Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar on February 25, 49 (Krasavin). He was connected by blood to the second Caesar, Augustus, through his father (Griffin 20). Nero was thought to be a born emperor; he addressed the Senate in Greek and had all of his petitions granted by the young age of fifteen (Krasavin). Nero was of average height, had blemish-covered skin, and suffered from body odor. He had auburn-colored hair styled in ringlets. He had gray-blue eyes, a thick next, spindly legs, and was overweight (Lissner 126). Nero was not a proficient speaker, and it is believed that his tutor Seneca, who was a great influence in the shaping of his character, wrote most of his speeches (Lissner 111, Krasavin). Nero studied almost all of the â€Å"liberal disciplines,†but his mother Agrippina believed that philosophy was an unsuitable subject for an emperor to study (Krasavin). Nero had a stepbrother named Britannicus, Claudius’s natural son, but Nero was declared the royal heir early on. In 53, Nero married Octavia, his half-sister (Griffin 29-30). Nero’s ultimate succession to the throne was due to his mother, who had considerable power and influence in Roman politics. Many believe that Agrippina brewed the poison that killed Claudius so her son could take over the throne. On October 13, 54, Nero was officially proclaimed empersor of the Holy Roman Empire (Krasavin). When he ascended to the throne, Nero claimed that he had no enemies and that he was taking the throne free from any desire for revenge. He wanted to get rid of favoritism, lobbying for appointments, and corruption. He promised to reform the courts, give the Senate every freedom, and not declare war (Lissner 112). However, Nero’s mother was very power-hungry. When Nero fell in love with a slave girl named Acte, Agrippina realized that she was losing her ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Anzick Clovis Burial Site in Montana
The Anzick Clovis Burial Site in Montana The Anzick site is a human burial which occurred approximately 13,000 years ago, part of the late Clovis culture, Paleoindian hunter-gatherers who were among the earliest colonizers of the western hemisphere. The burial in Montana was of a two-year-old boy, buried beneath an entire Clovis period stone tool kit, from rough cores to finished projectile points. DNA analysis of a fragment of the boys bones revealed that he was closely related to Native American people of Central and South America, rather than those of the Canadian and Arctic, supporting the multiple waves theory of colonization. Evidence and Background The Anzick site, sometimes called the Wilsall-Arthur site and designated as Smithsonian 24PA506, is a human burial site dated to the Clovis period, ~10,680 RCYBP. Anzick is located in a sandstone outcrop on Flathead Creek, approximately one mile (1.6 kilometers) south of the town of Wilsall in southwestern Montana in the northwestern United States. Buried deep beneath a talus deposit, the site was likely part of an ancient collapsed rock shelter. Overlying deposits contained a profusion of bison bones, possibly representing a buffalo jump, where animals were stampeded off a cliff and then butchered. The Anzick burial was discovered in 1969 by two construction workers, who collected human remains from two individuals and approximately 90 stone tools, including eight complete fluted Clovis projectile points, 70 large bifaces and at least six complete and partial atlatl foreshafts made from mammal bones. The finders reported that all of the objects were coated in a thick layer of red ocher, a common burial practice for Clovis and other Pleistocene hunter-gatherers. DNA Studies In 2014, a DNA study of the human remains from Anzick was reported in Nature (see Rasmussen et al.). Bone fragments from the Clovis period burial were subjected to DNA analysis, and the results found that the Anzick child was a boy, and he (and thus Clovis people in general) is closely related to Native American groups from Central and South America, but not to later migrations of Canadian and Arctic groups. Archaeologists have long argued that the Americas were colonized in several waves of populations crossing the Bering Strait from Asia, the most recent being that of the Arctic and Canadian groups; this study supports that. The research (to an extent) contradicts the Solutrean hypothesis, a suggestion that Clovis derives from Upper Paleolithic European migrations into the Americas. No connection to European Upper Paleolithic genetics was identified within the Anzick childs remains, and so the research lends strong support for the Asian origin of the American colonization. One remarkable aspect of the 2014 Anzick study is the direct participation and support of several local Native American tribes in the research, a purposeful choice made by lead researcher Eske Willerslev, and a marked difference in approach and results from the Kennewick Man studies of nearly 20 years ago. Features at Anzick Excavations and interviews with the original finders in 1999 revealed that the bifaces and projectile points had been stacked tightly within a small pit measuring 3x3 feet (.9x.9 meters) and buried between about 8 ft (2.4 m) of the talus slope. Beneath the stone tools was the burial of an infant aged 1-2 years of age and represented by 28 cranial fragments, the left clavicle and three ribs, all stained with red ochre. The human remains were dated by AMS radiocarbon dating to 10,800 RCYBP, calibrated to 12,894 calendar years ago (cal BP). A second set of human remains, consisting of the bleached, partial cranium of a 6-8-year-old child, were also found by the original discoverers: this cranium among all the other objects was not stained by red ochre. Radiocarbon dates on this cranium revealed that the older child was from the American Archaic, 8600 RCYBP, and scholars believe it was from an intrusive burial unrelated to the Clovis burial. Two complete and several partial bone implements made from the long bones of an unidentified mammal were recovered from Anzick, representing between four and six complete tools. The tools have similar maximum widths (15.5-20 millimeters, .6-.8 inches) and thicknesses (11.1-14.6 mm, .4-.6 in), and each has a beveled end within the range of 9-18 degrees. The two measurable lengths are 227 and 280 mm (9.9 and 11 in). The beveled ends are cross-hatched and smeared with a black resin, perhaps a hafting agent or glue, a typical decorative/construction method for bone tools used as atlatl or spear foreshafts. Lithic Technology The assemblage of stone tools recovered from the Anzick (Wilke et al) by the original finders and the subsequent excavations included ~112 (sources vary) stone tools, including large bifacial flake cores, smaller bifaces, Clovis point blanks and preforms, and polished and beveled cylindrical bone tools. The collection at Anzick includes all reduction stages of Clovis technology, from large cores of prepared stone tools to finished Clovis points, making Anzick unique. The assemblage represents a diverse collection of high quality, (probably un-heat-treated) microcrystalline chert used to make the tools, predominantly chalcedony (66%), but lesser amounts of moss agate (32%), phosporia chert and porcellanite. The largest point in the collection is 15.3 centimeters (6 inches) long and some of the preforms measure between 20-22 cm (7.8-8.6 in), quite long for Clovis points, although most are more typically sized. The majority of stone tools fragments exhibit use wear, abrasions or edge damage which must have occurred during use, suggesting this was definitely a working toolkit, and not simply artifacts made for the burial. See Jones for detailed lithic analysis. Archaeology Anzick was accidentally discovered by construction workers in 1968 and professionally excavated by Dee C. Taylor (then at the University of Montana) in 1968, and in 1971 by Larry Lahren (Montana State) and Robson Bonnichsen (University of Alberta), and by Lahren again in 1999. Sources Beck C, and Jones GT. 2010. Clovis and Western Stemmed: Population Migration and the Meeting of Two Technologies in the Intermountain West. American Antiquity 75(1):81-116.Jones JS. 1996. The Anzick Site: Analysis of a Clovis Burial Assemblage. Corvallis: Oregon State University.Owsley DW, and Hunt DR. 2001. Clovis and Early Archaic Period Crania from the Anzick Site (24PA506), Park County, Montana. Plains Anthropologist 46(176):115-124.Rasmussen M, Anzick SL, Waters MR, Skoglund P, DeGiorgio M, Stafford Jr TW, Rasmussen S, Moltke I, Albrechtsen A, Doyle SM et al. 2014. The genome of a Late Pleistocene human from a Clovis burial site in western Montana. Nature 506:225-229.Stafford TWJ. 1994. Accelerator C-14 dating of human fossil skeletons: Assessing accuracy and results on New World specimens. In: Bonnichsen R, and Steele DG, editors. Method and Theory for Investigating the Peopling of the Americas. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University. p 45-55.Wilke PJ, Flenniken JJ, and Ozb un TL. 1991. Clovis Technology at the Anzick Site, Montana. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 13(2):242-272.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Nationalism and Patriotism in World War I Assignment
Nationalism and Patriotism in World War I - Assignment Example The novel conveyed various themes including nationalism and patriotism which will be the focus of this exposition. The author shatters any idealistic predeterminations that prospective readers may develop in the course of reading the novel in his portrayal of all possible ghastly consequences in war participation. Yet again, the emphasis of this treatise is directed towards â€Å"nationalism†and â€Å"patriotism†and their corresponding examples as exemplified in the novel. The reader is likewise informed to all new sorts of attacks in the war which even more procured the writer the impetus to write this novel. Nationalism Nationalism oftentimes connotes the unwavering commitment and loyalty of a person towards his mother homeland. In the novel â€Å"All Quiet on the Western Front†, nationalism is introduced through the encouragement of Paul’s teacher, Kantorek, to join the German army shortly after the commencement of the World War 1. Paul recalled how K antorek would constantly push them to join the war by subtle forms of bullying and by verbalizing patriotic passages towards them, thereby criticizing their spinelessness. Albeit Kantorek expressed 2 nationalism by encouraging the young men to enlist themselves in the war, Kantorek was not among those people who belonged to the generation relatively entreated to battle for their homeland. In the novel it says â€Å"For us young men of twenty everything is extraordinarily vague, for Kropp, Muller, Leer, and me, for all of us whom Kantorek calls the â€Å"Iron Youth††(Wheen 1929), people who offer their lives in order to serve the political interest of their leaders. This thereby implies that not all nationalistic goals are motivated by acceptable intents. Paul felt acrimonious as to how they cannot defy the calls of their conscience and about the thoughts of nationalistic contributions pleaded of them which eventually compelled them to join the war; neverthele ss, Paul still was able to utilize it in humanitarian cause. Nationalism transcended beyond its common description, that is loyalty to your homeland, when Paul reconciled with the Russian soldiers after realizing that they do not war against each other because they are enemies but because they were ordered to do so. Furthermore, Paul altered his customary understanding about nationalism as manifested by his feeling of remorse after slaying a person for the first time. He felt numb and haunted after seeing the soldier gasping for air and slowly dying. The nationalism portrayed in the novel projects it in different angles. It did not only focus on pristine loyalty to his homeland but nationalism by understanding why they were in war and realizing how they are used as a â€Å"marionette†leverage of their political leaders. Patriotism In deliberating on a certain novel and its undertones and meanings, we find nationalism and patriotism as one of the most common themes when it co mes to war novels. However, in the novel â€Å"All Quiet on the Western Front†, it does not focus on the triumph of war or any 3 undesirable consequences that one who engages in battle would encounter. The novel is just a simple exposition of how war can separate a person from his civil life, particularly a person who was involved in the war itself. The novel depicts truthful accounts of the actual events that took place in the war scene and thereby added the traumatic effect of witnessing a dying person, hovering killer planes, a
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